What Could be the Reason Why People Ruin That are Beautiful?

in life •  7 years ago 

Why must you be the one to ruin things?
I am really not happy with the way some people just try to ruin things that looks smooth.
There are things that look perfect, that looks flawless and without any issue at all but there are people who will do all that they can to see that that thing that looks good is being destroyed.

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One thing I want to ask you is if you have to be the reason behind every set back whatsoever, if things are perfect in a relationship, why must you be the one to ruin it.

I am not writing this in a very happy mood right now because I heard of a Lady who basically deals with just ruining things and making everything become bad.

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She is specialized in destroying relationships, ruining businesses and every other thing that looks good.
I am writing this because I know that this Lady is not the only one who acts in such a manner, there are so many people who do not like to see other people succeed and who act as though progress is an enemy to them.

My question is, why must you be the one to destroy things that appear good, does it excite you or make you feel special or something?
Or should I say what do you thing could be the reason why people destroy things, your comment really means a lot, I want to know what your opinion is on this issue. Thanks

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Hi, I chose to comment because this post summarizes basically what I am thinking when I woke up this morning. I had a dream, ( interpretation of my dream contends that all characters of my dream are aspects of myself. ) in my dream there was a man in a relationship with a woman, who himself was incapable of showing affection towards women. He was fond of using them to dress them up, like a doll, and the woman would try her hardest to accept the new faces he would paint on her, to make him happy. The man incapable of showing affection towards women had a male friend. He was not defined in a homo or heterosexual relationship and had feeling of concern for the man who liked to dress his woman up. The woman would see the men converse and wonder at how they could relate, while she, an unsatisfactory makeshift reproduction of what the man who could not show affection to women thought was stylish at the time to be involved with, stood and watched as the two men blamed all of the troubles of the world on her. She has already given herself to the relationship, and abandoned all hope of truly being accepted for who she is by men, and on top of that, she is outnumbered in her vulnerability and for this she must bear the blame. I woke up and thought about how I can be so stubborn when it comes to the act of being together that sometimes I am at a loss for how to accept the choices I have made. I thought about the man who is incapable of showing affection for women, how this is a response to the experience of being some one else's doll. I though about the male friend who was neither in a relationship nor wishing he was. His objectivity was the place of balance and stability, it seemed to me. And the dynamics between man and woman are most conducive to growth when each individual is recognized for what they are, and not what they could be. I apologize for the long comment, I wish things would not be subject to ruin when they are perfect. Thank you for your post.

I really wish that good things that are good will be perfect forever. Thank you so much for the comment.