How Easy Is It To Be Morally Strong?

in life •  8 years ago 

Today, will not be poetry or craft... today I feel like a squeezed lemon.

You know, if I was alone, most likely I would given up long time ago. Around so much crap... lies, betrayal, corruption. In one typical day, on your head can fall so many problems... it just makes you lose heart! And without realizing, that from you depends not only your life, continue to fight impossible... To say that I'm fighting for my life and future - to lie to yourself. I had trying to take care of the future of my wife and son, not forgetting about the present, of course. Rather, I act incorrectly, because for my wife and son, I - an important part of their lives. And thanks to them, I became strong. I became a man, in the best sense of the word. But in such lousy days you know how hard it is, to be strong. Telling them that everything will be alright, everything will change for the better. And here it is important not to lie, and to believe in it. Knowing it, because you're doing for this all possible and impossible. After all, man is not the one who gives empty promises! Man is determined by his actions, not by words!

But there is a downside... All this responsibility... you get used to it, get used to make decisions, be responsible for it, and then you afraid to appear weak. Even to your own wife. This closed nature hinders to talk. You hold it all inside... thoughts spinning in an endless swirl and you come back to it again and again... I was lucky with my wife, she supports me in everything. She is infinitely believes in me. Why I build in my head these barriers - sometimes difficult to understand even for myself. Apparently, it is the fear of disappointing her. And to be even stronger morally, you need to learn how to fight these fears and overcome it! But even for this seemingly simple action, will take time. But time has a property to going away forever... So I don't want to waste it on silly dependence on fears.


Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto
(I am human, and nothing of that which is human is alien to me.)
Publius Terentius Afer

I wish you to be in harmony with your conscience and your own thoughts, friends! Time - it's the only thing that we have in excess and always missing. Appreciate it! And be strong!

Sincerely, not strong enough to be weak, TerryCraft...

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Always nice to have a strong partner you can lean in at times :).

Dear terrycraft, I'd like to know of which kind your problems are. Sometimes problems can be mastered, and sometimes they are to big for everybody even for the strongest. In my life I always avoided too much dependencies and too much obligations in relation to other people. So I can be honest and fair. The most important liabilities and duties you have to your familiy. And that is crystal clear to you. That's fine!

Hello. One day there were too many negatives - several conflicts on the road, with some angry violators, impenetrable wall of bureaucracy in several government institutions where I have to decide certain questions. At the end of the day the news about what my grandfather ill cataracts and needed money for surgery. Sometimes the negativity in one day is too much for one person...

"If you do not know yourself you will find yourself making many stupid mistakes", As cliched as is sounds, I find that if you have a real sense of who you are, then all of daunting troubles of life have meaning. Good luck man.