This is a Bad Idea!

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

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“The single most important strategy in content marketing today is video. Whether it’s video on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or YouTube, the content you need to be thinking about creating and marketing on social for your business is video. Period.” ― Gary Vaynerchuk.

I’m scared. There, I said it.

I have to start a podcast – scratch that – I want to start a podcast but for some strange reason, something inside me keeps screaming “NO” while my heart is screaming let’s go!

Wait, did I just quote Christina Aguilera?

I knew this post was gonna be bad idea!

Video is the future of media, I’m aware of that, so what am I so scared?

I don’t know, and more importantly, it doesn’t matter, because you know what?

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but it’s knowing that you’re gonna die and jump on your horse anyways.”

Sorry, I kinda needed to quote John Wayne after accidentally quoting X-Tina.

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The truth is, what I’m feeling is not fear of failure, well not technically anyways.

How do I describe it? It feels like those moments when you were young and you see a beautiful girl that you like, but you’re still afraid to go talk to her.

Do you know what I mean?

Well, if you do, that’s exactly how it feels like.

But I like her, I really do.

In this case, I like the entertainment business, and strangely enough, that’s what makes it a whole lot scarier.

The good news here is that at least I know that I’m not fooling myself. I know that it’s something inside you that always fights change, I know it’s irrational. And I know it’s that goddamn allegory of the cave all over again.

And I know I have to lose those chains.

“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

― Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

The Why

Why? You mean “where”? As in: Where do I start?

For starters, 80% of communication is non-verbal. Why provide only 20% of entertainment/storytelling value if you can provide the whole deal?

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And as you type this you suddenly realize that you’re missing out on voice intonations, on body language, facial expressions… And for those who have some sort of charisma or sense of humor, you could be missing out on something very valuable.

Am I going to stop writing? Hell no!

But it can’t hurt to open more doors to more possibilities. There is a lot of untapped potential in video, why let it go to waste?

And lest we forget, rapport is very important, your audience will certainly appreciate it.

You are much more likely to connect with them via video where they can get used to your face, and your voice, than they are to connect with a simple avatar picture.

Although to be fair, it totally depends on the person.

So let me give you another reason.

Like many of you, I’m a full blown steemian and obviously, we want to watch the steem blockchain grow and watch it change the world for the better.

To do that, we have to lead by example in many occasions.

In this case, some of us have to get better at social ourselves.

Which takes us to the next point:

What kind of asshole would I be if I write about marketing in the year that you live in without doing so myself for my own work?

Time is the New Location, Time is the New Location... Great, now lead by example.

And I’m Immortalizing this shit here, so that any of you can call me up on it if I don’t step up my game.

Although in all honesty, adding video to the repertoire was the plan all along.

This decision to start a podcast didn’t occur on the spur of the moment, not even close.

The house I live in, I rented a few months ago because it has a huge terrace and has enough space that it makes it ideal for the task, it also has an isolated room downstairs that I’m converting into a studio.

I wanted to set myself up for success before starting to walk towards the goal.

I also bought this bad boy some time ago, along with some Lapel microphones and other contingency gear:

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Before I bought it, I did my due diligence of course. I’m blessed to have friends working in films and I took their recommendations to heart.

I know that many Youtubers use top-notch Canon cameras, so I went with the best Canon camcorder I could buy.

I was told that camcorders are better, and I did just that.

I’ve also been told that the RØDE Microphones are best so I went with that.

I decided to investing some steem Dollars in a way that I could give back and provide value in return, and in this case sound and video quality wouldn't be a problem.

So yes, this is not on the spur of the moment, not by a long shot.

Why didn’t I start then?

I wasn’t ready, I couldn’t. I was tied up professionally, I missed on steemfest for God’s sakes, along with some other stuff for which I’m still kicking myself to this day.

But it’s OK, I’ll have another chance. I hope.

Time to Reinvent Yourself Again

I wasn’t ready then, I am now. And I hope you hold me up to it if I don’t start a Podcast next March.

Why March and not January?

Because I want to live, breathe and focus on an outreach program that me and other people are involved in and think that it could be very productive.

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However, I left the best reason of all to the end:

A podcast allows you above all things to talk to so many amazing people and learn something new from each one of them, and sometimes to connect with them at some sort pf level.

As James Altucher calls it: “You get to talk to your heroes”.

Let the Adventure Begin!

Image sources: 1235

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What's the worst that can happen?
You won't get rich and famous?
I'm not rich and famous, and it's not all that bad.
So the worst that can happen is .... nothing really.

The best that can happen is.. lots of fun. And that's what life is for after all.

So go for it.

Do it your way because you want to. We have lots of other people doing it their way, but no-one is doing it the way you want to do it, with your voice, your ideas. And because of that, the rest of us are missing out, on you.

I'm wanting to do a similar thing, but I'm waiting for gear to arrive (ordered before Christmas, still waiting :-( ).

I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'll just wing it. At least you have a plan..... :-)

Thanks for the amazing advice!

Yeah I have no clue where the 'stage fright' came from, I really want to do it.

As you said, at least you'll have fun!

Great article! Looking forward to read more of your work and see some footages as well! ;) No pressure!!! Namaste :)

Thank you! I'll do my best and hope it will be decent :)

We'll be watching ;)

Thank you! I appreciate it!

You're right. Video is the present and future. I'm old and weird, so if I have a choice between a video and an article, I'll read the article 9 times out of 10. But that's a distinctly minority view at this point. You'll be great on your podcast and I look forward to watching!

When I want to read news and a video set for autoplay on a site, sometimes I just close the window, don't bother stopping it. When I want to watch a video, I search one. But I prefer articles.

Thanks for the input @tibonova, I appreciate it.

Oh, I almost forgot: make subtitles if you want non-English viewers. It's an extra work, but I (and my friend too, in Hungary) usually pick that English video from the available ones that has English subtitle at least. It helps a lot for foreigners who cannot exercise the language live but read a lot (so very well) in English.

Dit must be the 'old' thing...I too prefer reading to videos. I very seldom watch unless I have specifically gone looking for a subject.

Haha it seems that is enough of us who prefer reading, that's actually very comforting.

Thanks @themagus!

Yeah I like reading too, but as you said, we maybe a minority, so this way opening the door to another audience.

Thanks Tom, I hope it will be decent :)

I'm sure that most of the marketers in the world will use videos, but I'm not sure that it's the future for the type A public. I get many emails trying to sell me something that say things like "click here to learn more," and most of them lead to some long-winded video that will take at least 10 and maybe more minutes to run its course.

Fortunately some of those videos will let you see a transcript if you attempt to leave the page -- some sort of "please don't leave, stay on page and read the transcript" message apprears. For them I usually stay on the page and speed read or skip down to the "here's what you will have to pay to get the real stuff" message. For those that don't have a transcript I just leave.

I said all that to say this: Video takes up too much of my time for the information it delivers.

But, of course, that does not apply to what I watch for relaxation -- dumb movies -- whatever.

Verry good picture

Haha thanks!

equally do not forget to follow me ya fella

Awesome! Eagerly waiting for this :)

Video will always be around, but the next generation are starting to prefer more interactive means of communication. But let's focus on the current and older generations, shall we!

You're right, between focusing on this generation and the older, and the one who didn't come yet. The answer is easy :)

Great post man. I'm really looking forward to the podcast. You do a great job expressing yourself only using the 20%. Can't wait to see what you can do when you tap into the other 80%. But I'll be patient...

Haha thanks for the support Brian, I'll do my best!

You'll rock it.

Thanks Luke! I appreciate it!

Video is over rated in that it depends heavily on the entertainment value of the message and messenger. Video inherently seeks to grab an emotional response rather than a thoughtful one. Nevertheless, if you feel it is what interests you then step forward and experiment. If you don't try you can't succeed.

So true, if you don't try you don't succeed. And also you live with the uncertainty and you never know.

I can't wait to see it:)

Haha I'm nervous!

That's normal. It will be great I know:)

Thanks man! I hope so.

Yep you have to do video these days if you want to thrive. It's funny sometimes video can be quick and easy (iphone/Android) and other it's along drawn out task going from a cam to computer to NLE software and then uploading to video sites. But it has to been done it seems.

Yeah I know, video is important these days.

I have a Zenphone with 13 MP in case I want to use only phone, but as you said, it has to be done sometimes.

You know you can do it, you're the alien after all. If not just use your photoshopped pictures and let them move against different backgrounds ;)

Hahaha true. Yeah someone has this peculiar idea about photoshop earlier today. ;)

I will do it. I have second thoughts like everyone else, but I won't hesitate to do it :)

I love your last tag, that is exactly how I'd feel at the prospect of doing video. I'm all kinds of social and confident when I'm writing but let's just say I've been maid of honor twice and both times my rotten friends insisted on speeches. They knew I would write something awesome, fine, but standing up and saying it out loud with every eye on me? Stomach was somewhere near my toes. I got through it though, and if it's something you want to do then you'll not only get through it but after a bit of repetition you'll most likely enjoy it. Good luck!

That's a great piece of advice, thank you! Repetition makes it easier, I needed to hear that :)

Great post! I enjoyed this. I've also had weird stage fright. For me it was tied to a lot of self criticism and needing to do things perfectly so I wouldn't be judged and therefore embarrassed (which is a sneaky symptom of not feeling good enough, which is one of my life-lessons). I had to anticipate all judgement from others in order to make sure I produced good enough content which, of course, is awful. I've undone some of this and am crawling back out from behind my rock. I can't say that everyone's fear of exposure is tied to the same issues but thought I'd share in case it helped. Nipping that ish in the bud is crucial. Good luck! Following your heart is the BEST! 😍

Thank you! I think it's great that you were able to put a finger on where your stage fright came from, and if I may say so, you don't need people's approval on your content, because there are plenty of people you've never met yet and are all over the internet that would love your content for what it is because it comes from the heart, so please don't let the fear of judgment of certain people make you hold off a bit.

I totally agree, following your heart is the best! :)

Thank you, you are so right.

You need to get into the routine of idea/shoot/edit/post. So shoot your first one with the intention of telling nobody about it; keep doing that till you have one you feel like showing someone, and take it from there.

Good luck!



Thanks man! Yeah that could be very helpful! Maybe I'll show you guys some behind the scences in one of the channels.

Definitely! It's always good to get feedback; though the most important thing is to film something, anything, then edit and publish.

The beauty with starting out, is you have no previous standard you have set which you must adhere to. Just ask any successful content producer how hard it is to do something away from what has brought them success.

Just enjoy! :-D


That's the best, enjoy the process :)

Call me old fashioned, When people try to sell me on some scheme that includes some amateur video , I immediately close it. If it has a printed version I will read it . Just me I guess?

right on! good idea!

Haha thanks!

Really looking forward to see it!!

Thanks for the support Pablo!

Great Article Like Always. Let's see what the future brings!!

Thank you! Hopefully great things.

great post, one of my first to read on steem!!.
a quick comment to say a unique view on a more and more essential part of content marketing

Hey, take a look at my post on starting a podcast. Hopefully you will find it helpful.
Part 1 -

Part 2 -


I know the feeling! I know I have to make some videos to promote my company, but I dread it so much!