I fell in love with the Inner you, with that kind of warmth...

in life •  7 years ago 

..., and now
....I don't know how to crave another.
I'm cold, the fire inside you doesnt light for me but for another. I'm shivering and have nothing but myself and all I can do is ache. Longing for something that was never mine.
You just made me happy and warm yet years later I now see your kind of warmth was temporary. The fire never taught me how to make myself warm or how to savor the flame. I was just there and I took what I got, when I got it.
What is sad is we both used each Other.
I was cold and needed the heat.
You needed a toy.
The worst part though, is you and I both were broken, thinking this would fix us.
...it didn't.

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