RE: The record for the World's largest skateboard was just broken

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The record for the World's largest skateboard was just broken

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

You mean my post wasn't flagged by admiralbot? I know I used bots, but this was an interesting post in my opinion that people should hear about. Ok, I will remove my flag on you, I know you're trying to help the platform. I'm working hard to create interesting content not spam like haejin.

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Can you also remove your upvote and maybe flag the spam too?
Then it will not be on the top of the thread?
As well please remove the flag from @steemflagrewards and maybe come by our discord server and talk to us?

Hi admiral bot thanks for clarifying some things, can you remove this?: Flagged for comment spam vote party is over. Grexx still appears very close to the top of this post. Then I will delete my other comments. It still appears to anyone reading this post that steem flag rewards was targeting me, so I don't really want to remove my flag unless they delete this comment. I could join the discussion on discord. What is your discord? Thanks.

This entire string is not against you. It is actually to support you and support the platform from spammers.
If we would had enough SP we would have made it invisible and maybe this would not have happened.

Hello @the4thmusketeer, would you please consider removing your giant flag from @steemflagrewards?

We are only trying to get rid of junk comments and add back to the reward pool for the deserving.

This was never aimed at you. Thanks.

Hi, it was unclear that I was not being targeted by this flag. It would have appeared to my followers that steemflag rewards was targeting me. But, ok I know you're only trying to help this platform. I just think the world's largest skateboard is interesting, right?

Its funny, Ill give you that! (it looks like a giant version of an old board I used to have years ago). The guy with the lost shoe was lucky, that could have hurt.

Yeah, I can't really believe its real. I might have to see it in person.

Thanks @the4thmusketeer I understand your concern but anyone that has been here for a while would understand that we were not talking about you.

That Skate board is real? I thought it was just trick photography? Wow they should put a motor on it. Can you imagine trying to get it going uphill?

Yeah it's totally real. The YouTube video I linked shows them riding it downhill. If you put a motor on it, then it would become a weapon, lol.