Medicating away human evolution?

in life •  7 years ago 


Chemical medications are just becoming more and more common, its tragic to see friends run around fucked up on amphetamines, benzo, lyrica and so on given by doctors which automaticly makes everyone its a good thing... ive had medication for my adhd and other shit but i quit with that stuff pretty quickly because all these meds really do is: keep your mind dummed down enough so you're able to force yourself to do something you dont want until u die.

The first thing that happend to me when i got adhd medication was that my dreams stopped completey(still am unable to dream or remember them) and i slowly got more and more forgetful until after a while i was walking around unable to keep any clrear thoughts anymore and even kept getting silent midsentance because i could forget i was even talking.

All these chemicals kills the connection a person has to nature and the universe. You know how people say that kids loose their "magic" when they get older? well that's because we're in a system where we're being brainwashed by media/eachother not to believe that there is anything special about us and are being medicated into empty shells/factory zombies.

People are screaming all over the world for something better, getting depressed and even completely going nuts yet everyone just accepts taking medication to adapt instead of changing the place we live in to something better for everyone.

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