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I told my little girl last year when she was nine, my exwife wasn't impressed but i didnt want her finding out from her friends in the school playground.

That's the way I see it too, you can't keep anything a secret as they will hear about it at school.

Awesome gif! Had to resteem. I don't remember when I was told the truth, but even after we knew better, my parents still signed the tag, from Santa :)

🎅 Yup ... and I have to deal with not 1, but 2, versions of "santa" every year. Dec 25 and Dec 31.

Hahaha!!! It really was something of a relief when they grew up! Although now they get to provide the magic for their kids, and I rather miss it. I'm still hoping Santa will full my stocking.

that's the other part, we've deadened society down to so much consumerism that there is little magic left, it's a shame to deprive the kids of magic and wonder, if we weren't so lazy we'd inspire more thru understanding biology, astronomy, philosophy... but as it is we've got to lay it on Santa and cartoon shows, such as it is (-: humans naturally look for wonder

Very, very funny and well done!
O.K. So, who says there's no Santa? My children are adults, and I still tell them there's Santa. Lol. Yes, you are right. Santa is the giving spirit that is in each of us; that part that wants to give gifts as a surprise, and watch the joy unfold. Some of us will always enjoy it.

Haha! My parents always took all the credit for the gifts I got. Mom would just say that Santa was a "nice guy," but nothing more.

My husband is mad that I let the cat out of the bag... he says I "ruined Christmas" but like you, I too felt bad about lying to this little kid(6 yo) who has to depending on us to be honest and reliable adults. LOL. So I told her the truth, then a year or two later I ask: "Are you mad at me for telling you about Santa being Daddy?" She replies matter of factly: "No, I never believed in Santa." Then this morning she tell me that she doesn't want presents next year.

I was kind of beaming with pride. can't exactly explain why though.

you are not alone ;)

It's always a sad day when they learn the truth, so hang on to every year you get out of the fun. I think I was 11, but I still believe, waiting for the darn pony!

yeah, my kids are only 7 and 5, but i've been kind of wondering the same thing... i guess in a way though it's a way for kids to gradually understand that not all the things your parents say are true, especially in the sense that your parents can't really know everything... about life, religion, economics, whatever it is... that everyone has to search out there own truth ,,, if that makes any sense

My boy has caught on that Santa Isn't real, told him he has to keep the secret for his younger sister though lol.

Santa is real, he just died hundreds of years ago.

Santa Claus was a nice guy, unfortunately he died in the 4th century, and now, Son, we carry on his memory by giving gifts to children.

There is a middle ground between lying to your children and brutal honesty. Though, between the two, you really gotta prefer brutal honesty.

you should always guide him...✌✌✌