Only Light Can Make It Right

in life •  7 years ago 

It will be ok, we have been here before. In the end the darkness will be met with the light and have no where to run and light will win the battle just like it always does. Darkness will never ever go away but in the end the night always changes back into day. Its history to many and to others it will be brand new, but things never really change, it’s just humanity on its loop, going around and around until we fall off and have burned everything down, We never seem to appreciate what we have until that oasis we thought we were in is no longer there to be found.

The events of late make you wonder why and how are we here still here, one step forward and one leap back, I stress as a human being but being a man of color adds a layer of stress but why should it. I want the same things for my family as you would expect of any decent man. For them to love others and to do good things for goodness sake. I want them to learn from me and be better than my mistakes. I want them to be honorable and steady to any human being in need, I want them to be aware of others and not feel like its all about me. I want them to treat others the way the scriptures teach us to love and I want them to be treated that way because of who they are as individuals, not because of how they look. I want what I would think any good person would want for those he loves, but looking at the television and the internet lately would make you feel like you have to give that dream up.

When good people do nothing but good for themselves that good never spreads and the world around them can turn into hell. Because there is a huge difference between living and living well. Ask yourself where have you been in these years as you watched things start to go south, living your life in service of or just doing great yourself. The world is in peril and begging the good people to help at the grocery stores, in traffic, on social media, they are in need of you, your voice, your presence your love in the midst of the hate. The bad in the world must at some point be put in its place and remember only your light and love can chase darkness away and hate away, Water will always win the war against the flame.

By: Carl The Muse

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