RE: How to free yourself from 9 to 5 prison. A self-help blog - Episode 1.

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How to free yourself from 9 to 5 prison. A self-help blog - Episode 1.

in life •  8 years ago 

Yeah. I am trying to get free from this 9 to 5 prison but usually it's not that easy until you have an alternate plan which is showing some decent outcome. So until you have a decent job try to contribute some time to extra quality activities so that you could be your own boss. Let's see, crypto space has shown some hopes for us. I hope everyone could do some good to the community and help each other to achieve the goals.

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Yeah, I know. It took me about 4 years to figure out some way to make it happen and cryptos definitely played a role there, but not big enough to blame it on "eh, I was stuck but just got lucky with cryptos and it saved me". It was more about a change of heart a new perspective. I simply ran out of paths I could take, except the one I was supposed to. I got side tracked from my planned path and couldn't find my way back and had lots of mental, physical and financial problems and I was totally alone in it. I've found a way to turn it around, but the way comes from the inside. I know it sounds like a cliche, but the trick is to stay firm inside in your conviction and keep pushing towards the outside. Not the other way around, which tends to happen often when we fail and get some sort of mind set like " Ok, so I guess I'm not as good as thought and probably can't make it, so I will adjust somehow and not risk too much" but that doesn't work. I've spent several years trying this safe strategy, I was really miserable, It was giving me some sort of mental comfort, but actually it was a much worse torment than really going for it, which is what I ended up doing in the end. There is one zen proverb that says "A mountain is a mountain, a mountain is not a mountain, a mountain is a mountain." This "stuck"phase is the "mountain is not a mountain" part. You have to try considering that mountain isn't a mountain, if you have doubts in order to confirm, that it was a silly thing to thing, because mountain cannot be anything other than what it is. But those of us who are not so brilliant to know right away have to go check out for themselves.

Nice, article. Will share it! Thanks

Thanks, that's motivating mate. Commitment and discipline is all it takes but we often get side track by distractions. Let's do this...

Really glad I could make some positive impact on somebody :) Yes, but it's really about knowing deep down that you are 100% in this (whatever that is for you) and not give yourself a choice. If you give yourself a way out, you will fail, because it will always get hard at some point, at that time, you just have to keep looking at how you can do it and forget about where it wasn't working, just keep pushing where it's working and keep at it. It will work out. I've already had success like this before, only I have chickened out of this mindset before, because I got scared and started to give myself a way out, that's where it started going down the hill. Just have a firm conviction that success is your only option. Easier said than done (like everything), but if you truly feel it, it's all you really need.

P.S.: I just remembered this book a friend told me about and it is a little bit what I am talking about, maybe you find it useful