5 Super Simple Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

in life •  7 years ago 

Here's a little secret about what happens when you become Vegan: it becomes the key that unlocks you to a new world of conscious and compassionate living.

It all started off purely for my own health but then it lead to deeper thoughts and understanding of how it affects the world as a whole; the water, the air, the animals, the people, EVERYTHING. It's as though kindness breeds more kindness and you see the world differently, less selfishly, than you did before.

One of the things that it opened my eyes to was how damaging and toxic plastics have become in our society. It is amazing how human intellect created such a useful material but it is unfortunate that it's overuse has become more detrimental to our planet than helpful to the people.

Did you know it takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to break down? Some even argue that plastics never truly completely break down and lurk unless completely incinerated (which produces carcinogens that leads to air pollution). It has been estimated that a total of 8.3 BILLION tonnes of plastic have been created, 6.3 billion into plastic waste and from that only 9% is recycled, 12% incinerated and 79% accumulated in landfill. That's almost 5 BILLION tonnes of plastic waste sitting there waiting hundreds of years to break down. Read this article if you're interested in learning more.

Plastic was first invented by Leo Hendrik Baekland in 1907. According to these stats, most of those plastics still exist around our earth today. We might not experience the full effects of this waste but the generations after us will. They'll have to deal with the consequences of our actions, which is pretty unfair don't you think?

Cutting down on plastic is a lot easier than it seems and here are some tips that I have learnt from trying to reduce my own...

Reusable shopping bags

The first easiest and most effective step you can do is by cutting out plastic shopping bags. I know you've noticed how quickly that drawer you throw all your empty bags in grows and it's time to clear that space. Reusable shopping bags are sold everywhere now so it is more affordable than ever. They also come in different designs and are much sturdier than plastic bags anyway. I have a collection and I like to keep some in the car so that I don't forget them. I find that 4 big durable ones is enough for my weekly grocery shop haul. I also have a set of produce bags and they actually keep my fruit and veg fresher for longer so that's a win win!

Reusable Coffee Cups

Plastic bottles and coffee cups are one of the biggest sources of waste in this day and age (especially in coffee-loving Melbourne). There are so many different styles, designs, price ranges available now so get a reusable coffee cup and keep it in your car/bag so that it's always readily available to you. Most cafes now offer a discount coffee for them too! If you've forgotten your cup and have the time to, sit in, relax and enjoy the coffee there instead. The planet will thank you later.

Reusable Water Bottles

Single serve plastic water bottles may be convenient but they are extremely inconvenient to the environment. A lot of companies have started to change their packaging to paper and glass bottles so try to purchase them instead if you must. However, a nice reusable bottle is all you need and it saves you a lot of money in the long run. I buy my water in bulk containers (and try to get the ones packed in cardboard if possible) and I fill mine up and take it everywhere with me, it's pretty much an accessory now. Handy tip for you travellers out there: Carry an empty bottle with you through security and there is always clean fresh water from drinking stations to refill at. Saves you the hefty airport costs of buying water!

Non-Plastic Straws

I have smoothies daily so a good non-plastic straw is a necessity for me. I like to use a wide stainless steel one as it is much easier to clean but there are many different variations available such as bamboo, paper and glass. Cheap ones are out there so you just need to find them! I got mine for $2 and it came with a brush cleaner and has been the best investment ever.

Bulk food shopping

Shopping at bulk bins has been a game changer for me. I bring in my own glass jars and buy only what I need which makes it a lot less wasteful for you at home but also a lot cheaper! You know when a recipe calls for a tablespoon of a product but they only sell it as at least 250g and you know you'll never use it again? That's when it becomes super handy! You can get good and cheap glass jars at Kmart but another way that I love to recycle is by reusing glass jars from my food such as pasta sauce, pastes, coconut yoghurt etc. This tip also counts when it comes to shopping for fresh produce. Try to avoid prepackaged fruits and salads and pick them yourself! The quality is always better this way anyway.

I hope these little tips help you in your journey to reduce plastic waste. Feel free to add more tips in the comments below!

xx Ana

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Great tips, would love to see more hemp made plastic that is bio degradable and plant base plastic that is also bio degradable.
Company's should be taxed more if they arn't using bio degradable products that may start them to use bio degradable products to help our planet.

I agree! Tax would definitely help steer them in the right direction.

I was actually watching a video about a plant based bag from Bali made with a root veg today as well so it's coming! One day it'll be everywhere :)

Love it! These are some amazing tips that help you live sustainable and environment conciouss.

Thank you! Just wanted to show people that it's a lot easier and simpler than it is in their head.

Sometimes I feel like I am making a difference, in my own way; and then I go to the supermarket with my reusable shopping bags and look at all the other plastic packaging that is in the shop and my efforts suddenly seem insignificant.

Logically, I know that I can only control what I do so I will persevere. :)

I know sometimes it feels overwhelming and like a wasted effort but then imagine if every single person on this planet reduced just one plastic bag out of their life. That’s billions of plastic bags already from just one tiny change! Sometimes we just have to find a positive to help us persevere ☺️

I hear that! A baby step forward is still in the right direction, I guess. :D