Sparking People's Curiosity Is The Key To Spreading Truth In Society, Not Giving Them The Answers Directly

in life •  8 years ago 

Unbeknownst to a large majority of the public, there’s an ongoing battle happening right now for the minds of the masses between those propagating a false reality and those demanding a truthful depiction of reality. This isn’t exactly a new battle, as the powers that be have always aimed throughout history to keep the masses uneducated and naïvely ignorant to how the world really works and how their power system remains intact. However, with the dawn of the Internet the public has never been so close to such a wealth of knowledge; it can practically reach out and taste real freedom if it so chooses.

In order to touch it, it seems pretty clear to those fighting for truth on the front lines that waking the masses up to this hidden wealth of knowledge is the focal point of the movement. For if a big enough collective action is to happen and change the world, getting enough people educated to the real problems and solutions is the first step. It is assumed that the wheels of action will inevitably turn once enough people awaken inside, finally able to see the many logical holes in reality. These holes include a flawed financial system, false flag terrorism, unhealthy food, the military industrial complex, the occult, and a hugely fabricated history that was meant to hide the roots of society’s problems. The list could go on for days, but the point is that getting enough new people to step foot into the forbidden pool of knowledge is of the utmost importance. Usually, once someone steps into the pool, it becomes hard to stay at bay and not jump all the way in and go for a swim. Once the masses jump into real knowledge, real change is inevitable and cannot be stopped.

The problem is as the old saying goes, “You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help.” This is undoubtedly true, as people who do not want to awaken to truth, will not awaken to truth. We cannot force it upon them even though it might feel like we have to at times. So the question is: What is the truth community to do when it knows how vitally important it is to share knowledge in order to bring about the awakening, as well as knowing that most people want truth even if they don’t consciously realize it? The answer is that we must spark curiosity in the minds of the people so that they will become curious enough to walk down the road of truth themselves. At this point right now, the ripeness for curiosity has never been higher, so the time to act upon truth is now.


Curiosity is the desire to learn or know more about something or someone; something that is interesting because it is unusual. Without curiosity, most people would not even look in the particular direction. They often must have a curious spark which signals to them that this new experience/idea is something they might want to look into and learn about. To develop true political beliefs, curiosity is essential because usually people are force-fed into indoctrinated political beliefs that feed the current system and steer people away from real knowledge. A strong sense of curiosity is what makes people go out and look on their own, coming to their own independent conclusions as to what they think and believe. It seems today that people have a strong curiosity that current established parameters cannot contain, which bodes extremely well for those battling on the side of truth. This is something that can and must be capitalized on before the window of opportunity shuts and a new demagogue arises to fill the vacuum.

One of the clear signs of curiosity for truth and something new is the complete breakdown of the current system. The completely abysmal ratings of those in Congress (12%), a financial system that is slipping father into debt and inequality, an ecosystem that is being destroyed daily, and war machine that people on both sides of the aisle cannot fathom supporting anymore. This also comes on the heels of a mainstream media that is utterly collapsing as ratings, viewership, and revenue dries up quicker than it can adapt, with no signs of a revival. It is simple, people do not relate with the social systems in place in their countries and at the same time are sick of the illusionary coverage it is receiving on the television. Fortunately, independent media has been there to fill the void and report on issues that are not controlled by those at the top. This is a part of a growing trend of curious people looking for real news outside the parameters.

This has led to another clear sign of increased curiosity in truth with the rise of “anti-establishment” candidates in the current election in both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Regardless of their platforms and beliefs, the rise of candidates with which the mainstream establishment doesn’t approve of, shows that new ideas and a changing paradigm are not only wanted, but are being demanded by the public. This is scaring the establishment and they are doing everything in their power to avoid losing control of the presidency. Though the new alternative puppets replacing the old ones might be fooling people, the trend away from established politics is something that isn’t going away. The further they drift away from the mainstream the more that people will eventually find safe havens in truth. It is important that those already enlightened are there to lead these newly curious people into the light of truth, instead of judging on their pedestals. Curious people are looking for truth, so it is us early adopters who must take the part of leaders.

Finally, to the amazement of some, the term “conspiracy theory” is beginning to not only lose its weight as a term used to discredit anything the establishment disagrees with, but the mainstream is increasingly being forced to deal with conspiracy theories and talk about them. In two experiments done by University of Winchester psychologist Michael Wood,

“Wood found labeling an assertion a conspiracy theory had no significant effect on whether people believed it to be true. This held for generic statements about cover-ups and abuses of power, actual historical events, and a fictional incident set in a foreign country.”

This breakdown in the word conspiracy theory, has led to an increase in conspiracy theories being discussed forcing mainstream outlets to start addressing conspiracy theories such as the Zika outbreak, the Judge Scalia Death, and Flat Earth theory. The point is not whether these theories are true or not, (which we know some of the are not, cough cough, Flat Earth), but it is that they are being forced to address conspiracy theories as more people are realizing that some of the information contained within this field is very relevant and needs to be looked at more closely. This again is all because people are curious and their minds cannot be contained much longer. They are searching for the missing pieces and unfortunately, many are hidden in this taboo field of conspiracy.


It is now time to run with the ever increasingly curious public and bring them upon the side of truth. False “alternative candidates and movements” are there trying to swoop up those that wonder, so those already awake cannot sit back on the sidelines and wait. Continuing to spread information and openly talk about these topics is as paramount as ever.

Often times, people go about awakening their friends and families by shouting all their new facts and information into their faces, getting all worked up in the process. The problem with this is that it puts people on the defensive and all sense of curiosity is gone when one thinks that learning something new is scary or threatening. Instead, we must learn to be calm and laid back, appearing to have something that they don’t quite have, unhindered by the fact that they might not want it. This makes us appear confident and smart, often making people more curious as to what it is that we have that they don’t. Their mind will naturally wonder on its own and contemplate that experience with you. Everyone wants confidence and truth, so don’t go about shouting it out or forcing it upon people, just be it and embody it. That does not mean one doesn’t bring up the hard facts, but do so in a calm, confident manner, instead of acting erratic and mad. Truth is on our side, so there is no reason that people should not act and talk with confidence. This confidence will only lead to more curiosity and in the end hopefully it will result in truth winning out.

So get out and spark curiosity by embodying truth. This will only plant more subtle seeds of curiosity, which inevitably  help people walk down the path of truth under their own will. 

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Great post, and very true Tim thanks for sharing. I've tried to spread truth for years, but these days i find its far more effective to just plant small seeds of curiosity with as little direct information as possible. A well placed question, left to fester for a while can be extremely effective.

Great post.

Curiosity, doubt and questioning things is at the "heart" of caring, seeking, embracing and embodying truth about reality and ourselves:


Truth doesn't speak for itself, so we have to speak the truth and get the message out. People indeed fear the unknown, as it's an admittance of a lack of comprehension, and this fear evokes anxiety, discomfort, insecurity, confusion from that doubt in not knowing. But that is the opportunity to use that doubt, and start to question things more and develop a burning curiosity to seek truth.

Also, there is a typo here:

"slipping father into debt and inequality"

Thanks. Take care. Peace. Upvoted.

Upvoted and Tweeted Tim!

Thanks! Much obliged :)

Great advice Tim. Calm is the way.

HAHAA Yep, that was me and so many others that I know, and it's hard, to not scream from the rooftops at first when you awaken because we think that everyone, once shown, will be so happy to know the truth like we were, to know that life is fucked, for a REASON. But...they don't care hahahahaa. That was the stunner for me. I'd say I learned pretty fast. Maybe only annoyed my family and close friends for a year or so, then I wised up. They're never gonna care. Especially if I'm sitting there nagging at them.

So I just always try and reach out to new people. And, of course, the time away from my family has been good for their own awakening, they're doing it on their own, at their own rate. I'm noticing changes.

I like what you said about being calm and confident. I wish I could have read your advice all those years ago...maybe I wouldn't have been ready to hear it though.

<3 Thanks for this.