Discover your true identity.

in life •  7 years ago 


Do your really understand who you are ?This might seem a weird question but some people would answer this question by saying out their names ,Whilst this may appear to be correct,do you really understand who you are.What defines you Is it your physical appearance of mannerisms

We are living in a world where people spend the rest of their lives trying to conform to what other people want them to be .You are told how to dress and speak.More so television bombards people with images of how they should dress,what they should eat ,and the kind of person they should marry.This entails conforming to another life.Does what we wear ,eat or our physical bodies identify who we are ? lie.jpg

Our physical bodies only assists us to deal with the outside physio environment .Imagine if you were to be removed from your body and stripped odd everything that you think defines you ,would you still have a vivid collection of your true identity?Your true identity is beyond the physical appearance that we see.Our true identity's within us not outside.

Whilst it may be good to follow what other people do,we need to have a clear sense of who we are.God in his creation gave each one of us a form of identity .What other people do or how they decide to spend their lives in this world cannot in any way determine your true identity .Your true identity is unique .It needs no effort in untangling it.Believe in yourself .Know who you are and live the life of purpose.
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We should define our true identity based on our thoughts ,our values ,our principles and our beliefs .Anything outside that does not define who your are.Reading a lot of literature is a powerful force in unraveling your true identity.Look for the right books and other materials
As you go through these books and various materials you discover more about others and at the same time discover your true self.I recommend the Bible ,otherwise you may never know who you are.The bible will give you the truth and nothing else.

Some have lived in perpetual ignorance of who they are.Why not shun ignorance and a start searching for the truth.As you discover yourself,you might be surprised to the abundance of untapped potential in you that is waiting to be unleashed .It could not be tapped because all along you where engaged in a life that was not yours .The action that we take on a daily basis our influenced by what we believe ourselves to

It is very important to listen to your Soul and inner voice and not let yourself to be distracted by other external forces as these have nothing to do with your true identity .Discover your real self and start to experience a life of purpose

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It has been said by multiple sources that if you stare directly into a mirror in a quiet, candle lit room for a period of minutes, your true self will be revealed. Do you believe - everyone I know is too nervous to try this trick . . . hmmm. Good food for thought @tinashe

i have never tried that but ,would love to experiment on that.

wooow. So mindopening. Great post @tinashe

Thank you


Wonderfull piece to study,,, thanks for sharing, @tinashe. please allow me to add something from : No Fear Shakespeare,
"God has given us one face and we make ourselves another".


Thank you @fawadsolaangi your contribution is of value.

Great!thank's for sharing!Up voted follow and resteem already!

This!!! I just made a post about reconnecting with myself and letting go of Facebook was part of refinding myself my passions and my own true interests as an artist and individual. The artists way is a great book to on helping guide you back to your own views that aren't obstructed by anything else at all. You know when you think something and u want to say it but you don't because you think "they will think that's stupid" no one is saying it's stupid but you but living by the fear of offending or sounding dumb is a socially created thing. When your a kid you just say things like "your fat" uninhibited to the fact it's offensive you just speak on the fact and your own observation!! I love this post!!!! This is a wonderful post!!!! I hope that people take more time for themselves and truly just themselves. The book I spoke of tells you to take yourself on dates. Tell no one and do them by yourself. Stroll galleries you normally wouldn't with people. Go listen to music alone that no one knows you like! Find what your passion is about. Find yourself!