... little fighter with SMA
Yesterday 17:15
Riško with his father
" Our struggle for Riško's better life continues. THANK YOU FOR FIGHTING WITH US! ACCOUNT STATUS AT TODAY:
Transparent account: 120 310,88 €
Paypall: 5,080.86
People to people: 5 061 € "
Today 8 hour ago
Post from Daxnerová Eleonóra

"We offer for sale 3 Petrik's pictures, we named them : buildings /
acrylic and wax on canvas size: 30x40cm /.
We will sell the paintings to the person who offers the highest amount by 31.01.2020, the whole amount will go to Riško for his medicine... "
Today 5 hour ago
Post from Trening STG Sečovce
All voluntary contributions until April will go to a medicine that can cure him..."
It's amazing that people are looking for ways to help Riško. This boy suffer by SMA type 1.(spinal muscular atrophy ) and needs currently the most expensive medicine in the world.
If you decide to help, you can find more information in the facebook post below: