Them Big Thinkers Podcast #5 - The Unobservable

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Want to get goosebumps and think about weird stuff, like the afterlife and all. Then start out with installment #1 of our series on "The Unobservable." The photo above is a picture I took at night under a full moon that raised a ruckus on social media because people swore there was a "ghost in it" I will make a post about that whole ordeal some other time, or maybe we will discussed what happened in the next installment of the unobservable.

We have four more full-length podcast on soundcloud, and would be oh so please if you wanted to give those a listen too. Also visit @intrepidthinker to get to know more about the other host.

Thanks for tuning in.

Love from the vastness of infinity,

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It's impressive how the mind looks for human figures in abstract and obscure situations. I certainly can see the ghostly figure in the picture, although it appears to me to be just a trick of the shadows (and it almost appears there is a mirroring artifact to the left of the ghost). It would be interesting to know if the fact we're hard-wired to look for human shapes is a by-product of or contributing factor to us being social creatures. I suppose it could also represent threat detection, but I would think we would be more likely to imagine we see things like large predators in such a case. Anyway, interesting way that photo turned out.

Thanks for dropping by and for the thoughtful comment. It is very interesting. I will be doing a post about that picture in the future, I hope you will check it out. I'm currently waiting on my voting power to regain, I'll upvote your comment when it does

I also really think there is a ghost in there.... But the pix is dope

Haha. Maybe so my friend. I thi k it might have been a trash bag. Or maybe i devised an elaborate hoax. . .