Unique opportunity called LIFE

in life •  7 years ago 


Life is the most beautiful and greatest thing that has ever been given to us.
It is love, happiness, joy, blessing, family, sadness, fear... absolutely all the feelings are fragments which achieve huge complex known as life.
In my opinion, love is the strongest feeling and nothing can overcome it. That is the energy which launches each of us to go further, to do more and what is right. Learn to share it and learn to keep it! What do you need happiness and love for if you have no one to share it with?


Since our birth, our parents and people around us are giving their best to raise us to be a good human. That's because they love us and they wish us very best. We have a lot of stops in our timeline travel. We go to kindergarten, elementary and high school, the first sympathies begin and maybe university at the end of our education. After that we have to work, build a family. But, I don't think the life is just that. I think we have to enjoy in every action and in every day. To be happy we're born healthy, if we are and to be happy we're rich. Richness is not measured in money it's measured in good intentions, people and good feelings.


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Core of life

The most important question during our existence is how and why are we created. That question is so deep and mysterious that originate imagination and brings creativity to the top of the top level. One of the major goals of life is to find yourself and to recognize the importance of existence. Through education we've learnt that the sperm and egg cell merge and there actually life begins. But.. Have you ever asked yourself WHY? Ask "why" millions of times for any situation and every possible piece of life. It will surely stimulate intrigue and will lead you to the essence. Isn't that philosophy interesting? Do we actually know how are we created? That encourages a big curiosity in us. I think nobody really knows and that opens the door of religion and evolution.

As we all know, the beginning of life starts when a stork brings a baby to a family, that's simpler, right?


Every individual on Earth is different and that's the pure beauty of the life. In my opinion there's no standard and perfection, we are all perfect and unique!
I have a theory (just my opinion) that we're all created with reason and that in each of us exists unique talent for any element in life. Was it something "big" or "small", never mind! It's specific and special believe me. We're all equal but not the same. Nurture your strengths and virtues. Try to reject flaws and bad things from your life and especially those that affect your life negatively. How to recognize it? Just follow your feelings. Subconscious is something unbelievable. You've surely had parts in your life in which you haven't followed your feelings and things ended bad or not so good.

Feelings are energy, and if you focus them on the right things and right values, good things will start to follow you and find their way to your life. Spread positivity and happiness, surround yourself with good people and don't live in past. Of course, don't forget it, but don't live there, it's wasting of your precious time.


How to move on?
Most of the people have touched the bottom and had bad periods in their lives.. But is that a reason to give up? Do you think that will solve all your problems? Stay focused, find a goal and stuff that makes you happy and pleased. Do jobs you want to do. I've been always saying do what you love and love what you do! That saves nerves and brings a lot of joy in life. Improve your skills and overcome yourself in life. It'a never ending loop but positive one if you make it so.

Let me tell you my secret, I live day by day trying to be better than I was yesterday and that's what keeps me alive, but alive in the full meaning of the word.


There is no strong man with a weak past. Live in the present, with a bright future in your mind, you never know what can happen. Maybe beautiful and incredible things will happen to you already tomorrow. Live for the family and yourself. Your friends and for everything in your life. Try to be best you can be, because it's kind of secret and significance of the life. We're here for a reason and we can contribute.


That's photo of gathering the whole branch and members of one side of my family. That's what we live for. One family who was there gathered all 5 generations of their family - baby, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and her mother (it's an example because there was family, not just women) .

Find your desires, and direct your life to the goal. Maybe we just live in an illusion and we're not what we think we are... Let me explain. Have you ever imagine that all of us are just a small piece of something more great and bigger? Maybe we're just atoms of enormously big creature we call universe? Human creativity is endless.

People, stop thinking if you're going to fail or to let someone down, think about yourself. Don't let yourself down and follow your dreams.

Remember, money is just a number and it doesn't have end. Happiness has no its end too.

Have a good day and beautiful life - @tonac :D

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Learn about life is an awsome part in our live, we had grown every part of our life and give the different view every problems that we get and how the way that we solve it!
Warm greetings for you @tonac

That's true, we never stop learning and finding new things. Sometimes we find new things in stuff we already know, not sure if you understand me. Thanks and warm greetings for you too @neilur :)

My friend I love this piece of your philosophy, the only thing that I didn't agree on is, we shouldn't reject flaws! We should accept them as who we are, but we should also not focus on them, rather on our virtues!

There is no strong man with a weak past.

Loving this!

That's what I ment to, but it seems I've typed that confusing. We should accept our being as who we are but to work on ourselves to be better as much as we can. You said it well. :)

Yes <3 I love to have you in my life as a friend on our journey to be the best we can be

I don't care if it is an illusion or the miracle, I live it my way and so far it was good.

That's the point. We possibly can't know everything we shall just enjoy what we are and what we do :)
Just spread positivity and be happy. Have a nice day @aschatria you're the blacksmith of your own luck and life.

"There is no strong man with a weak past. Live in the present, with a bright future in your mind, you never know what can happen."
That is spot on!

There's no future in the past ^-^

"Do what you love and love what you do" Yes, yes, yes! That is the main idea behind happiness. I loved this post soooo much, and am extremely happy to read that you made a point about the difference between being equal and being the same.

Thank you @zen-art . I "hate" (I don't hate) when people say we're all the same. You bet? We don't look the same we don't feel the same etc. Someone feels the pain more than others and how can you say we're same. We should get to know a person and adjust, we just can't threat everyone the same, that's not logical. :)



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