Honesty the Trait of Being Honorable

in life •  4 years ago 

Integrity the trait of being honest is one of the most admired traits in a person. We are all born with it, and it is a wonderful quality to have as an adult. It does not take a lot to instill integrity into a person however one must be willing to make an effort to maintain it. There are many people who don't uphold their honesty because they fear the response that may arise. In order to truly understand what integrity is we must go back to the beginning.

Integrity is a value system based on honesty, integrity is the hallmark of all successful people. The reason that they are successful is because they adhere to a code of integrity and do not deceive or mislead others in any way. It would not matter if they won the lottery or just worked hard at their job; they still would not be successful unless they are truthful. It is easier said than done however and some people just cannot adhere to that code of ethics.

Integrity the trait of being honorable is a universal moral rule. Honesty is a huge problem in today's society. Everyone lies some times and everyone are dishonest sometimes, but lying always has an effect on the truth. If you lie you have damaged your credibility, you have betrayed the trust of people that believe in you and your actions. People will judge you on your integrity and your actions. If you are dishonest it will reflect on them, and they may believe what they read about you in the papers and online.

Integrity the trait of being honest is a universal moral rule. Honesty is the cornerstone of all successful businesses try to do their best under any circumstance. A business man who is honest will always get more work finished in a day than someone who is not honest. When you think about it in those terms, it is pretty obvious that honesty always wins.

Integrity the trait of being honorable is a universal moral rule. Honesty is a huge problem in today's society. Everyone lies some times and everyone are dishonest sometimes. When you consider it in those terms, it is pretty clear that honesty always wins. The integrity of the person who lies or does not tell the whole truth is quickly exposed and discarded. People who are dishonest always get disliked, and they never become respected.

Integrity the trait of being honorable is a universal moral rule. When you are trying to build or maintain a career or a business, integrity is the key to success. Integrity is the foundation that a person needs to build a good reputation. This includes honesty because a person who is honest and does the right thing will gain respect from others, which includes clients, co-workers, and other executives and leaders. There are many examples of integrity, the honorable person has exhibited throughout their lives. The most famous example would be Descartes' statement, "I think therefore I Am," which is probably his most well-known statement that is quoted by almost everyone today.

Integrity the trait of being honorable is very hard to obtain, but when someone is finally achieved it is an amazing feeling. In some cases the ability to achieve integrity may be more difficult than living with honesty. People who try to remain honorable run into problems such as they cannot remain honest when they need to protect their identity, their jobs, their families, and their lives. Their integrity is what gets hurt in these situations. They can lose their jobs or their reputation.

If you are trying to make a decision on whether or not someone is worthy to be called honest, the best advice would be to ask them. A person does not have to say anything to make a decision about someone's integrity, but if they do they should say something. Honesty is not always easy, but it is not worth losing everything over, is it?

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