The Benefits of Mindful Technology Use: Maximizing the Benefits and Reducing the Risks

in life •  2 years ago 

If you’re like me, you may have spent your entire life being so accustomed to technology that you don’t think twice about using it mindlessly. After all, what are our alternatives? Go outside and stare at trees? That would certainly get us noticed, but wouldn’t be all that enjoyable.

But I’m here to tell you that we’re missing something here. We’re missing the beauty that technology provides when we use it mindfully. And if you’re not, then this article is for you.

First, let’s look at the reasons why we should focus more on the benefits that technology provides.

Technology helps us find out information faster. In fact, a recent study showed that millennials read 30% less than their older peers (that’s an extra 2 hours per day for us millennials). But what’s the point in spending that much time finding out information if we’re not getting anything out of it? Not much. So why not use technology to help us out in this regard?

Technology allows us to share ideas and work together. There are a lot of benefits to having a working relationship with a colleague. They help us brainstorm, share ideas, and brainstorm some more. They also help us to bounce our thoughts off of one another. If you want a better understanding of how to get a project done, ask your colleague to give their two cents. You’ll be surprised what you learn.

Technology helps us get stuff done more efficiently. You know what happens when you spend a long time doing tasks that have already been done by someone else? You spend a long time accomplishing the same things. It’s just more efficient. It’s more efficient to type than to talk and to text instead of write. Why spend time writing when you can just type?

Technology lets us take care of ourselves. If you spend all day and all night working, then you need to do something to get your body back to its normal resting state. Take the time to meditate or exercise. This allows your mind and body to relax and refocus.

And these are just some of the many benefits that technology provides.

Now, let’s take a look at the risks associated with mindlessly using technology.

The risks are many, including…

Distraction – Our attention is constantly being pulled in different directions. In our phones, in our social media, in the news, etc. It can be very difficult to stay focused on any single thing.

Laziness – When we spend our whole day and night on our phones, on our computers, and on our laptops, we don’t get out of our comfort zone. We don’t take the time to do any sort of activities outside of our comfort zone.

Unreliable information – The internet gives us access to information from around the world and from a variety of sources.

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