Vocal Techniques That Attract

in life •  2 years ago 

We all want to connect with people we enjoy listening to. The music you listen to affects how you communicate. Music helps us move, and move we should when communicating to a potential employer. So if you want to show off your personality during an interview, then try something new and different.

  1. Learn To Sing

When I say sing, I don't mean belting out a song. I mean humming or singing under your breath. There is nothing wrong with being able to sing along with a song, but we should strive to learn some vocal techniques that can actually help us connect with others.

Vocal exercises help us move our voice and improve our tone. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn about someone if you just slow down to their cadence. The following exercises can help you become more expressive with your vocals.

  1. Learn How To Scratch

I know this is a controversial topic, but scratch is a great way to express yourself. People are attracted to others that are able to express themselves. Don't let your personality get stuck in your throat, instead let your voice and your scratching be a reflection of your true personality.

  1. Speak With Passion

When you speak, you should always have passion. Whether it's for a career or a hobby, it's always helpful to be passionate. This doesn't mean that you can't have a professional tone, but rather that you should have a voice that is distinct from others.

  1. Breathe Into A Song

It's very easy to talk fast, so try to pause once in a while and take a breath. We've been trained to speak at a normal pace, but this can cause us to rush and make mistakes.

Take a moment to focus on breathing and taking a couple long, slow breaths before responding to a question. If you don't think you can keep up the tempo without pausing, then consider breathing into a song or recording a short monologue to play over your phone.

  1. Be Aware Of Your Tone

Everyone has their own unique way of speaking and expressing themselves. Some of us are louder and faster than others, but we need to be mindful of our tone.

There's a time and a place to be loud and obnoxious, but if your tone is too high or too low it could come across as offensive. Instead, aim for a middle ground, find the sweet spot where you can sound casual and confident.

  1. Practice In Front Of The Mirror

There's nothing worse than speaking to someone that you haven't met face to face. It's always good to practice, but it's even better when you can see yourself.

Standing in front of a mirror is a great way to get feedback on your voice and see how you look. Start practicing your talking points or trying out your singing. You can also use videos to practice, especially if you have a phone that can record your performance.

Now you're prepared to impress. Try out these vocal techniques and see how they affect

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