hidden costs

in life •  6 years ago 


hidden costs

low-vibration environments, emotions, and experiences offer energies that are cumulative, and will build to overwhelm. this can be a good thing. but, perhaps it isn't necessary.

our work situations, our intimate relationships, our family, our neighborhood... everywhere we be can hurt or harm -- or invigorate and heal.

this isn't to instill or stir paranoia and resentment, but to raise awareness.

our bodies can and do store trauma in the most amazing ways -- and it can be by countless, insidiously small drops at a time; that achy back, that suddenly less functional eye or ear, allergies, heart disease, sore wrist, weight gain, etc. it is the function of this fine organic machine to keep us alive, as best it can, within the conditions we allow it to operate.

remember, it's all energy, first. we dwell in a quantum field of potentiality that orchestrates and organizes according to our practiced focus and emotions.

while it is true that adversity can be character building, i would argue that our society is rife with terrible, angry, cynical characters. do we need more of that?

many like to bandy around ideas like balance and moderation and such, too. that's all fine, but whenever i read memes along the lines of "be kinder than you feel" it stirs a necessary (perhaps righteous) rage inside of me.

enough with the damn denial, spiritual seekers! if you're hurting, there's a reason, and it's ok! dig in. expose its roots. wellness isn't something we need to try for once the roadblocks are removed.

you give no one permission to be in an authentic expression of their true selves if you're always pretending to be zen, and a stiff upper lip only makes for a crooked smile.

life isn't a balancing act! we're not actors. we're flesh and blood, humans being, spirits feeling, dwelling consciously and creatively and free-willingly, thought by thought, breath by breath. it's quite something, really.

solvitur ambulando
#loveyourlife #temetnosce #notetoself #elevate #presence #vulnerability #authenticity #healing #personalgrowth #spiritualgrowth #emotions #selfcompassion #compassion #energywork #lightworker #selfimprovement #mindfulness #love

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