RE: 21 and I have no clue what I'm doing!

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21 and I have no clue what I'm doing!

in life •  7 years ago 

I have 68 years of experience traveling. You need to start planning and preparing now! Unless you got a lot of money to burn - I mean like 10s of thousands - you better think about what is going to happen. When you get to Thailand, it's too late to start getting ready. You are already handicapped because you are not an experienced traveler. You probably have no idea how to pack for that long. You better get your ducks in a row before this becomes a disaster. Seriously!

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Absolutely!!! I have a fair idea of what I'm taking. Thailand is definitely very fairly cheap and from most of my friends having visited Thailand I've been prepped up and down with questions on what to do in situations and what not. Still looking forward to a crazy experience though!! 😊

Be careful about the laws and drugs in Asia. For what they slap you on the wrist in New Zealand, they can execute you in Thailand. Life is cheap in the Orient.

Have fun!