
in life •  6 years ago 

The dictionary describes pandemonium as: wild uproar or unrestrained disorder.

This is exactly how I would describe the state of my brain today.

Every once in a while...I’ll have a day like today. I don’t imagine it’s any different from any others individual. The tasks of the day build up in my becomes daunting. Even the thought of getting everyone ready and leaving the house seems overwhelming. I woke up motivated and slowly but surely...the motivation dwindled just a few hours into the day.

My husband was out golfing. I was home with the problem right? Nope!

The kids were on another level today! They wouldn’t nap. They wanted constant entertainment. After the 5000th “Mommy” I felt as though I was going to lose it!

I love my kids with all my heart...and I truly believe I’m a good Mom...a good parent in general. Sometimes, however, I just need a break.

I’m here tonight to tell you...It’s okay!!
It’s okay to need a break.
It’s okay if you don’t want to play action figures...again.
It’s okay if you feel like you just need to lock yourself in the bathroom and have a good cry!

We are all human.
Sometimes I think people expect moms to be super human. We’re always suppose to keep it all together!

The truth is...parenting is tough! We could all use a vacation, a massage and a stiff drink! If you don’t lose it every once in a while...I commend you...and I’d like your secrets!

As for me, the boys are finally asleep...I’m going to enjoy my wine...and then hit the hay! Goodnight all!


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Your heading suits this article well. I know what your talking about. Like shouting keep quiet for the umpteen times. Like arranging the rooms again and again. Like giving warm bath, milk and massage to get them sleep.
As for needing a break, Moms need it most but its usually no where to be found.
Bravo for being a perfect manager of your home.

It’s sweet that you say I’m a “perfect manager of the home”. I try...I’m no where near perfect! I know the kids love and appreciate me though! It makes all the stress worth it!

When you care for your partner, your kids, the house, yourself, relatives, social life, studies or part time job etc. Oh dear!
You're more than perfect. You didn't employ a nanny for each of your kids plus a cook, Gardener/driver etc.
My lady, please accept my kudos cos it's not easy and your worth it.

You are too kind!

It do happen like that at times when we are completely stress out , and we loose our control and emotion. But we still need to composed ourself relaxed for a while to calm down our temper . Calm down and relax everything will always be fine, you have a lovely family @twoturtletots

Sometimes I count the minutes until bedtime! I can keep my composure in front of the kids...then let it all out after they go to sleep!

Sometime such situation arises but we have to keep our self up for our family and our love ones’s part of our responsibility as parents to remain strong (or at least appear that way) for our kids!

If I were a lady, I would have looked up to you as my role model but since I'm not, I don't know what to say. You are the kind of woman every man needs in his life. Your husband is Lucky to have you by his side.
Keep up the good work you been doing for your family.

How sweet! Thank you so much!

You welcome