The Path of the Modern Valkyrie part- 3

in life •  7 years ago 

(Image Credit Tianhua Xu)

This is the third instalment of a multi featured post if you have not read the first part go here first >

So in the first part of this post we went somewhat into the basic foundation of norse pagan philosophy. We also mentioned that within the Asatru there are those who identify as Valkyrie.In the second we talked about traditional mythological valkyrie in nose literature specifically the poetic edda. In this edition we will touch on the valkyrie in the prose Edda and some other norse works. As there are significantly more Valkyrie to cover I will be doing a few at a time within the next installments.

In the Prose Edda Valkyrie are first mentioned in the Gylfaginning in which Jafnhár tells King Gylfi about them. He starts with their duties in the halls of Odin and Freya where they serve drinks to thirsty warriors ( some may see this as demeaning work, but in norse society serving drinks to ones guests is an honour and only those deemed worthy are allowed to do it or it is seen as an insult to the guest) and then their dealings on the battlefield. He lists the three who are always present on the battlefield, We already know Skuld and Gunnr ( see part two for their details ) but he also names the previously unmentioned Róta.

(Image credit Chloe Hui)

Róta - (sleet and storm) holds power over the weather, more specifically storms, blizzards and rain. She is described to have snow white hair. In the Gesta Danorum ,a danish historical work, a rothi is mentioned who is a perpetual mocker of cowards. There are two theories on who this Rothi might be some say it is Róta others claim it to be a disguised Odin. I personally like to envision her as Albino beauty white as snow with a razor blade tongue slashing at those who are morally uncouth and make cowardly choices. She is also extensively mentioned in the 1773 written death of Balder by Johannes Ewald.

(Image credit jelon )

Eir- (help/mercy)is a very powerful Valkyrie some scholars even say she might be a form of the goddess Frigg. She is not only a war-maiden but also a powerful healer and goddess of the medical craft. Eir is also said to be a lesser norn who shapes the fate of human children recognising and fostering the potential of future warriors and leaders.

(Image credit authorhouse)

Herfjötur- (horse fetter/or fetter of armies) She is usually never addressed by her name alone but always with and adjective like strong, mighty or powerful. She is a valkyrie who uses her powers to distract and put enemy troops at a disadvantage. She is thus the Valkyrie that warriors might call upon to give them a bit of an edge or thwart luck to their advantage. She is however in her darker form also the Valkyrie who wields battle terror and madness. She will instil fear in the hearts of men and beast driving them to near madness.

(Image credit Anthony Frederick )

Herja- (the devastator bringer of grief ) she is linked to a second century stone found in Cologne Germany that was said to be worshipped by germanic tribes. She is presumed to also have been a war goddess in her own right.

(Image credit Sylwia 77)

Mist (cloud/fog) appears in both the longer and shorter Nafnapulur lists of the Skáldskaparmál as well as the Grímnismál peom of the poetic edda. Like Róta she is an elemental Valkyrie who controls weather she is the wielder of mist and fog. She is also known to grant wishes if you find one of her feathers.

(Image credit Jason Juta)

Reginleif- (ruler of legacy) While her parentage is lost she is said to be the daughter of gods. Her name is inscribed on a pillar of Norways stave church in Ornes. She is the protectress of history and legacy. If she finds you worthy she will make sure your deeds are remembered and songs are sung about you, but she also helps shape that legacy in the now. She is known as strong and merciless fighter, often clad in black raven feathers who rides large black wolf. In her darker incarnations she also denies legacy to those she deems unworthy. This can take very dark forms from killing of any progeny to literally wiping out anyone who ever knew you.

(Image credit Ariana Richards)

Thrúd/ Þrúðr- (strength/power) is the daughter of the god Thor and the goddess Sif. She is mentioned in some sources as cause for the fight between Thor and Jötun Hrungnir who is said to have abducted her. She is also said in some stories to have been bargained in marriage to a dwarf named Alvis disliking him very much she ends up tricking him to stay up with her all night and is turned to stone by the sun at daylight, freeing her from the obligation of marrying him. In some stories she is mentioned to be the best friend of Freya.

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(Image credit Yale.Edu)

(Image credit Caitlin Hackett )

The reincarnated:
The norse believed in reincarnation and often the souls in their stories reincarnated just to suffer a similar fate to their lives before.

Sváfa- (dream maker/dream weaver) was a Valkyrie battalion leader, daughter of King Eylimi, aunt of norse hero Siegfried dragon slayer, and lover of the unnamed son of Norwegian king Hjörvarðr who she renames Helgi. Helgi is cursed by a troll in the employ of an enemy and receives a mortal wound during battle. His death is a slow one so he has time to summon Sváfa to say good bye and die in her arms. On her lovers bequest she marries his brother who then goes on a quest to avenge his Helgi. Her powers are the power of illusion but also sending and interpreting dreams.

Sigrún- (victorious rune/victory rune) was a Valkyrie battalion leader. She was daughter of Högni and the lover of Norse hero Helgi Hundingsbane . These two were also the reincarnated souls of the Valkyrie Sváfa and the son of Norwegian king Hjörvarðr who she gave the name Helgi. In this incarnation Helgi once again dies at the hands of Sigrún's brother, she ultimately dies of a broken heart.

Kára- (the wild one) Daughter of Halfdan and lover and protector of the Hero Helgi Haddingjaskati. She is the reincarnated soul of Sigrún and as Kára she is reunited with her lover to once again suffer a similar fate. Not much of the saga survived sadly what is known is that she protected Helgi in her swan form and is accidentally wounded by him during battle rending her powerless and him doomed to defeat.

(Image credit Alexander Rothaug)

Swan Maidens:
While all valkyrie are said to possess a bird skin (traditionally either raven or swan) The following are part of a saga where they are captured and enslaved by a band of brothers. In the end two manage to flee while one decides to stay with her captor.

Hlaðguðr svanhvít/Hladguar swanhild -( the guarding white swan) is the sister of fellow Valkyrie, daughter of Hlödvér of the Mirmans saga and for a short time wife of Slagfiðr who first stole her swan skin while she was bathing with her sisters (so she could not escape), raped her and hid her swan skin to bind her to him. She and her sisters eventually found their skins after 7 years and fled.

Hervör alvitr- (all wise/mysterious elder) sister of Hladguar swanhild, daughter of king Hlödvér of the Mirmans saga and for a short time wife of Völundr who first stole her swan skin while she was bathing with her sisters (so she could not escape), raped her and hid her swan skin to bind her to him. She and her sisters eventually found their skins after 7 years and fled.

This concludes this segment of my series next time we will cover Sigdrifa and Brynhldr (who are basically the same entity) from the famous Nibelungen saga, as well as a list of lesser known Valkyrie -until then stay safe.

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Good job! I hope you write something about meditation soon. I am thinking about doing it again as a means to increase my focus and improve my breathing pattern.

I will eventually but i have a ton of stuff that i am working on so it will take a bit we will talk about it way sooner...