Don't be aware of this title

in life •  6 years ago 

These words were written to sum up how being a human being feels.

This life has always baffled me – my feelings, my yearning to express, to feel, to love, to cry, to show pain, to cause damage, to fight, to shelter. The DREAM is big. People on a Planet united, loved and loving in peace, well fed and nurtured, free from oppression and suffering.

I acknowledge my liberties and my freedoms and I feel my sadness. I can touch the lowness that is inside of me. And I can feel the aliveness and luckiness that is by my side. This life this ‘isness’ does not control me, I am me yet me is what?

I’m a man, a Father, a husband, a son, a brother, an uncle, a friend, a relative, an everything good and everything bad that I have ever been. I AM ALL THESE THINGS BUT WHAT AM I?

I am sensitive to others plight, I am unable to take anyone else’s pain except my own, why is others pain also mine?

That’s a Shitty ego mechanism!

Ah the mindful Ego dissolution.

An expansion, an awareness, a restriction, a death. All the same life!

Earn money? Help people? Be the perfect expression of our Selves? Who are we? From which standpoint or direction are We? What’s there to be restricted? fearful of? or shameful about?

We’re each unique, amazing individuals, no two people are the same...

So we’re all going to die and this distraction serves us to what end?

To be distracted from our what? Who we are? Our connection? Our Love for one another? Love is love and Love is.

The rabbit hole is as big and as deep as you can handle.

Mine right now is this.

Expression Expression Expression.

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