Hangover was first mentioned in Indian Vedas about 3000 years ago in an Indian Vedic Text called Susruta Samhita as a post drinking condition followed by thirst, joint pain and pain in head. Also a person feels heaviness of the body and there is no cure for it.
Different countries have different types of traditional methods used to get rid of hangover which will make your eyes hurt and you feel your head appears to swim and you feel like floating and light weight with pain around body.
Except traditional methods followed in many different countries there are now medicated drugs which are now available to resolve the hangover issue. In India drug companies like Himalaya's came up with Party Smart pill which you have to take before starting the drink. Also a drink with name Morning Fresh is available in the markets to cure Hangover in India.
Below is some traditional method followed in different countries to get rid of hangover conditions.
Bangladesh - To cure hangover Coconut water is taken as it is good source of Potassium, Magnesium and ascorbic acid.
South Afric - An Omelette made up by Ostrich egg is eaten to cure hangover.
Mongolia - The pickled sheet eyes in tomato juice is served. It help liver to remove alcohol from blood.
Japan - Umeboshi is a sure cure used in Japan. Pickled sour plums are used to help digestion and cure hangover.
Ecuador - A team made from Mediterranean oregano plant leaves. It help to cure hangover.
Also different countries have different methods, you can follow any one or as recommended in your country of living. Hope you enjoyed the article.
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