Awake vs asleep , the newest divide and conquer strategy.

in life •  8 years ago 

"why do the people think they know things and talk about how other people don't know anything? why is is so easy to get people to call other people sheeple? is that not just the new underground pop thing to say ? you have homophobia , this could be sheeplephobia. Everybody calls everybody a sheep , they talk about how there awake .

People believe that they watch a 9 hr video by Mark Passio or David Icke, or study the  online. they believe that after doing so, that has anything to do with being awake, but they believe it."

"I'm not kidding they can't get enough . Addicted to posting there opinion on a forum , chasing that white rabbit any where it goes , and they call themselves awake. because THE SYSTEM wants you call yourselves awake. It loves that."

"cockiness , arrogance ,and hating other people, and as your sucked into this . It is consuming you and you don't even know it. You don't even realize it, you just prefer to able to call people sheep . Perhaps subconsciously you resent that you were called a sheep ."

"You wanna be able to say it too, the naivety with that is , you don't know anything that they know any they know you don't know it , your not hurting there
feelings . Your making them laugh at you, because your eating up most of the
propaganda , that they have distributed."

" Calling yourself awake and pointing your finger at them , and your hardly enabled to deal with them or even your own self. "

" I can't even count the number of people declaring that there wake to me. People are VERY EASILY CONTROLLED. All they have to do is create a new subcategory of personality's . now you have the jocks, the rednecks, you have the goth, the working class , the ruling class, and the whatever . "

"And now you have the AWAKE class of people. The reason nobody knows anything can only be explained to you through a metaphor, of course . In this realm you can only use metaphor ."

"Think of the difference between a broadband connection and a 56k dial up connection. Now there are people that know what is occurring in this reality , many of them joined secret society's . So it's not that they have knowledge, it's just that they acquired information, they went in reverse."

" You see true knowledge is true knowledge those with understanding, understand what i just said , those that don't will not. it's pre-symbol. A symbol is no different than any expression . a symbol should be the result of knowledge . the understanding the awareness and then you have the symbol surface . Having somebody learn symbols and then distributing a very, strategicallylimited of meaning to that person does not give them knowledge. They perceive that there getting knowledge ."

" What they do to you early is that they show you all the symbols and tell you what they mean. They don't tell you completely what they mean of course. They tell you what they want you to think what is means. WHY? Because what is the true purpose of being if your not extracting meaning from your path. From your experience, deriving meaning from it and creating expression. The expression will always be the symbolic. "

"If your only coping what they told you things mean, and repeating what they told you , to use them for and how to use them , how to speak , how to think , What means what. What your suppose to do , what the meaning of your life is . If you allow yourself to be told what the meaning of your life is by something in your objective reality (Somebody else). What is your purpose other than TO BE A SLAVE."

" If your not creating , and the only way your going to create is to extract meaning from within. If you can't do that , what is the point of you being around? Other than to be a slave."

" acquiring detail , THIS MEANS THIS, I learned what this symbol means this . What did you mean learned ? Did you look it up ? Or where you told what that means , did you read what it means? Or did you sit there by a lake and think about life as a whole and whats happening and the symbol came up and your where like OMG. You see the OMG moment is when you extract meaning. That's the sign of a creator and you want to tell the whole world , because you just created, you extracted meaning from within."

" What's the difference? Well what's the difference between reading a book and memorizing someone else's conclusion?
That's the difference between a muffin top and a muffin. unfortunately most people only eat the muffin top , but you don't have the knowledge underneath. Is that a permanent thing ? absolutely not. "

" The reason you don't know anything is because many people that do have knowledge , Even if they wanted to tell you It's like there on a broadband connection and your on a 56k . THERE IS SO MUCH INFORMATION , and unfortunately as it is right now . The general population has no idea. "

" They look at a symbol either they have no understanding of it or it's a very limited understanding. If you had knowledge in you, you can sit there and talk about that symbol all day. There's more than one meaning attached to symbols. If you seek the symbol ( the muffin top) you will never have the whole muffin. "

"And this is what people do when they try and seek videos and books there looking for muffin tops. there looking for the end result. there for you are dependent on the meaning that is given to you. "

" So somebody in the know is talking to somebody that is not in the know can be very difficult .....WHY is that? Well a very naive thing to say is someone is trying to manipulate you ( control you mind ) they will say this : THE TRUTH IS AN EASY THING TO SAY and anybody that speaks a long time to you is trying to manipulate you. That's a very childish thing to say . If someones trying to manipulate you , you should be able to pick that up in seconds regardless of what they are saying ."

" The truth is easy to say IF one person in the know is speaking to one person in the know. you know when other people know, you just do. "

"What do people have in common , did you go out in the world and experience different cultures OR where you to busy trying to project your culture and way of thinking onto them and see what they would say? OR where trying to figure out what you had in common?"

" Now when you come to a certain understanding you can tell people the details of you path , but that is not there path . And if they try to memorize the details of your path , there pulled off of there path."

"The details of my path are irrelevant , the understanding is the important thing . The conclusions are reached and i can share conclusions with you , to motivate you but i can't have you memorize my conclusion . So i have to a delicate balance of rhetoric with the information. Just enough to make my point clear , to show you that i learned . One who really cares for you will be attentive to that. "

" The idea of indoctrinating people with an oath is absolute evil ! WHY? because there declaring that they don't want you to be a creative being and extract your own meaning. You will go through steps (degree's) in which they will spoon feed you meaning. And because its more meaning than you had before , more knowledge your really impressed by it . You think your actually getting something, you think your being in-powered. When they know that by keeping you from being able to extract your meaning on your own, THEY GOT COMPLETE CONTROL OVER YOU. THEY PULLED YOU OFF YOUR PATH. and if they did that successfully you never would have even thought of that ....would you?!"

" If someone with a lot of knowledge is talking to someone with a 56k connection , it's anything but easy to tell the truth. WHY? You know of the enormous gap of knowledge . because you know that they will just understand the words with the limited meaning that they have. AND you know that they don't believe that . Telling them that makes no sense to them . "

"Those that are not in the know don't know that they don't know because of the way that they were taught to think. They have been incorrectly instructed in there thinking process itself. They have been taught to look outside of themselves for answers, they have been misinformed about what answers are. because they spent there whole life having the meaning spoon feed to them, They think that's how it works. "

"This is why when you hear someone tell you , that you can't be told the truth , THIS IS WHY"

" when are you subjugated to the fear of the unknown ? when you look outside yourself for meaning. "

" Those who look outside dream, those who look inside awaken! Carl Jung."
by jonathanlives 

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We can't all be enlightened, it's absolutely impossible.

If the entire world's population indulged in the art of navel gazing whilst on their individual quests to exist in truth, we'd not only lose our collective innocence - we'd gain an arrogance powerful enough to fuel the chaos the will ultimately lead to the extinction of our species.

Once innocence is lost, it is lost forever. Pop the worlds cherry, and you will be the one with blood on your hands.