- Introduction and a common formula for our enslavement
- Non physically branded as a slave by advertising
- The Mind Control used by shops is FAR more evil than most have yet understood.
In the first post in this series I outlined a basic formula for creating covert (hidden) enslavement in humanity that involves installing artificial dependency in us which requires us to deny ourselves and to deny reality in order to trap us.
In today's post I will explore how the patterns of the covert enslavement usually directly reflect the patterns that we easily see in 'normal' (obvious) physical enslavement. In fact, even the words we use to descibe aspects of being enslaved physically, are often used when we describe the various aspects of today's covert non-physical enslavement.
Think of the word 'Brand', what does it suggest? Maybe a favourite product? A car? Or maybe Russell Brand (the already exposed member of the fabian society and chief pied piper of the going nowhere fast movement).
Incidentally, below is a picture of Russell Brand at an Oscars ceremony with his (highly likely to be a mind control victim) wife at the time - Katy Perry. She had been speaking in a way he apparently didn't like and he quickly held up the badge you can see in the picture that says 'OBEY' with a pentagram next to it. After seeing the badge her whole personality became somber:
Anyway, the history of the word brand also includes the branding of slaves -
The sicker side of branding
So what is the form and function of a brand? Well, typically a brand involves a symbolic code of some kind that is recognisable by others and which lets us know who the (alleged) 'owner' is of the thing (or human) that has been branded. But what if a brand has more than one function? What if the covert side of the brand is that it also brands the observer as well as the object or the victim receiving the brand's imprint?
Without the agreement within us that the brand's symbol has a particular meaning, the brand is of no real purpose - so the advertisers (and the social engineers) go to great lengths to make sure we are programmed to associate their brand with the 'things' they want us to associate with them and their activity. This is why you might see a photo of a string of beautiful women standing in a tropical paradise holding something that would otherwise have no association to beauty and paradise at all, such as a cheap can of beer. If you were to see the beer's 'brand' in a shop you might ordinarily just think of it as a cheep beer (hmmm... probably wiser to avoid to save the hangover) - but because you have seen the expensive advertisement you are now triggered by a vague memory of beauty and 'quality'. The advertisers are exploiting that the vague memory and emotions of things you enjoy and want more of have also been combined in your neural networks (brain/cortex/nervous system and cellular memory) with their beer's logo - with the intention of artificially influencing how you think and feel when you encounter that logo again.
The ideal for the programmers is that they create an unspoken connection within the mass consciousness between various concepts that should not rightly be connected and would not be being connected if we were all fully awake and aware. This has the effect of literally branding the observers of the advertising internally - since they now carry the effects of the imprint of the brand in the form of perceptions and agreements about aspects of reality. The observers become 'carriers' of the control/enslavement mind virus and may or may not also become enslaved too.. At least as long as they continue to agree on any level with the connections being suggested to them.
It is clear that this kind of 'influencing' is little more than a cheap trick (involving expensive ad agencies) to exploit us and control our decisions and thus our destiny. Yet, don't almost all big 'brands' advertise to us in this kind of way? They might not be using a string of beautiful women, but they have many other tools at their disposal - including scenes of natural beauty, puppy dogs, men in armor or whatever else implies a sensation that they want you to experience when you see their products in the future.
So... doesn't this mean that most big companies are literally involved with attempting to mind control everyone who watches TV adverts and reads newpapers? And pretty much everyone who wanders into a city and sees billboards?
Now, if we consider that this trick is just the first step in a complex web of control that can be delivered via TV advertising, for example, it becomes apparent that when we go and buy products in most of our shops, we are literally empowering our own enslavement and the enslavement of our children. It is logically like waking up every morning and taking care to feed the mosquitos in your bedroom that will come and sting you again later on - giving nothing of value to you in return.
"It is logically like waking up every morning and taking care to feed the mosquitos on your room that will come and sting you again later on - giving nothing of value in return."
What if the mind controllers try to get dirty and to implant suggestions that cause you to feel fear and even survivial terror? What if you have no idea that the reason why you buy the latest 'brand' of cellphone as soon as it is released is not so much because of it's new features but because of your unhealed fear of being lonely that the advertisers have cunningly invoked by showing you images of picture perfect models dancing in the fields while holding the new phones..?
The quiet internal sigh of "But.. But... They look so happy together.. and I am lonely.." becomes at the appropriate moment unconsciously transformed into the intentional thought of "I am going to buy a new phone". What if the phone manufacturers and the phone software developers have created systems whereby your new phone can record every word you say without telling you and that you even agreed to because you didn't fully read the lengthy terms of service agreement when you started using the phone? In fact, this study showed that service providers can get us to agree to just about anything since we literally don't have the time available to read all the contract terms:
"The report notes that if you actually bothered to read all the privacy policies you encounter on a daily basis, it would take you 250 working hours per year — or about 30 workdays. The full study by Aleecia M. McDonald and Lorrie Faith Cranor is quite interesting. They measure the length of privacy policies, ranging from just 144 words up to 7,669 words (median is around 2,500 words) and recognize that at a standard reading pace of 250 words per minute, most privacy policies take about eight to ten minutes to read. They also ran some tests to figure out how long it actually takes people to read and/or skim privacy policies. They put all of this together and estimated that it would normally take a person about 244 hours per year to read every new privacy policy they encountered … and even 154 hours just to skim them. And, here’s the thing: that’s only for privacy policies. Imagine if you read terms of service and end user license agreements too!"
Data Source: http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/students/groups/is/files/2012/02/Cranor_Formatted_Final.pdf
Multi Dimensional enslavement from simple building blocks
We could easily discover that our life is not our own any more and we are influenced more and more away from our own free will - simply as a result of our own unconscious and repeated exposure to advertising that exploits our own unhealed psychological states. The more we get hooked by these tricks and traps, the less free we feel and the more of our energy is being side-tracked into feeding the agendas of people who we have never met and who, given their intention to manipulate us, are probably the kind of heartless people we would not choose to interact with if we understood them personally. In truth, with enough beliefs and behaviour patterns programmed into us, we can limit our possibilities in life down to such an extent that the system controllers - who have full access to our behavior patterns via the profiling data from major social networks - know, for example, years in advance which jobs we will apply for and which one we will take. We can, in short, become just like the slaves on the cotton plantations so many years ago - except now we actually are convinced we are free.
It is in the understanding of 'heartlessness' that we can understand and solve these problems in society - since heartlessness is the literal disconnection of mind from feeling and it is the feelings that guide us to be free from any kind of entrapment. The more we can be desensitised from real feelings, the easier we are to control. It is arguable that many of the world's wars and terror events are ultimately intended to force humanity into a numbed and desensitised state - which is easier to dominate.
Here's a real world example from Mcdonalds. I don't even need to explain who Mcdonalds are because the word 'Mcdonalds' is so thoroughly imprinted into the collective psyche already that many will recognise it more quickly than they recognise the face of an old friend.
Why does the mcdonalds advert 'system' use the slogan "i'm lovin it"?
And why is it sung by many voices and not just one?
As a sound engineer I have worked with sound effects a lot and so have asked a lot of questions about the psychological (psychoacoustic) properties of sounds and effects on sounds. One effect of adding harmonies of voices onto a solo voice is that the sound becomes bigger and more noticable - but it also quickly projects an idea of 'consensus' and 'agreement' among the numerous singers who are 'in tune' together and 'singing from the same hymn sheet'. Not only does this create a sense in the listener (unconsciously) that the message being relayed is more likely to be true because numerous people agree on it - but it also imprints and embodies the idea of CONSENSUS - Which is to say that the 'expensive' (highly refined) sound of the singers may IMPRESS and if we ourselves lack self confidence and/or self awareness - we may 'buy into' the idea that CONSENSUS itself is a 'good' thing and to be valued. So we may be buying in to a variety of encoded perceptions and thoughts just by hearing one short phrase sung in a particular way - it's no wonder that singers are paid huge amounts of money by corporations for their participation in advertising!
What was the 'it' in the slogan: "I'm loving it"?
The 'it' is 'mcdonalds' and their service/products (the experience of them).
The semi-conscious and even unconscious thought process of someone who has been programmed by repeated exposure to the advert/program might, if vocalised - be similar to:
“what shall I eat now?”
... Mind searches for answer and gets caught in the internal mind trap of habitual thinking due to disconnection of mind from true feelings and heart
“i feel liiiike...."
... The true desire is really to be feeling loving vibrations of being among others who feel good - however, that desire is one that is commonly being denied in many humans, due to other beliefs that this desire cannot be made real and be fulfilled or is somehow a 'bad' or 'wrong' desire to be holding (guilt).
“i haven't got a clue"
... I don't know how to get what I really desire and need - which is actually love (The image of love was only allowed in me to flash up momentarily because i am suppressing my true desire for love so much that a brief flash is all that i am allowing to come forward).
“i'll just go to mcdonalds”.
The real answer to the question of what was needed or desired was not FELT and instead it was over-written by the thought pattern that 'food is required' (to feel good 'again'). The type of food that the thinker believes to be needed in the body is now chosen carelessly and the selection process degrades away from one that involves the input of the body's voice and instead falls to habitual patterns that lack clarity and full understanding of the body's needs. The habitual patterns are the realm of the mind controllers and their media based programming tools.
We need to break free of such unloving influence
How then can we end this seemingly evil and all pervasive influence and control of our destiny and thought process?
The more we recognise the patterns, the greater chance there is of us making the called for changes - so I re-iterate that we must learn to notice more of our surroundings and stop blocking out details of reality. Once the patterns are noticed with enough detail, we can begin to identify who is responsible for the unloving manipulation and take steps to resolve the problem. We can either remove them from positions of influence - whether through prosecution or through organised removal of financial support OR we can relocate ourselves to locations that do not offer any potential for these mind controllers to bother us - unfortunately, this probably means relocating to a jungle at this point since the media networks can reach us almost everywhere else! It could be worse though... Where better to feel a connection to the earth and to spirit than in a natural, jungle environment with the opportunity of running free and picking free food; Ultimately, perhaps it comes down to which set of snakes are the more dangerous? The anacondas or the snakes in suits we often call "society's most successful people".
More viewing
I highly recommend watching this great animation that demonstrates in another way just how we are deceived into accepting a reality of control as if it we are enjoying real freedoms:
Stay tuned here for much more to come on this subject soon.
Thank you @ura-soul!
Nice post, follow you!
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part 3 of this series is available now here: https://steemit.com/life/@ura-soul/slave-no-more-series-tips-for-liberation-of-the-earth-heart-or-3-the-mind-control-used-by-shops-is-far-more-evil-than-most-have
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Upuote! Thank you!
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you are welcome, thanks
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Wow! A very well written article we can't get from modern media today.
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Hopefully this STEEMIT is the Platform to get People waking up… To give people a Voice… to give them an alternative. What is Life without choice? What is a voice without an Ear to listen ?
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I actually run my own social network for healing, balancing and evolving at https://www.ureka.org - but steemit is also a nice platform which is obviously going to get better and better. :)
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thanks for your support :)
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part 3 of this series is available now here: https://steemit.com/life/@ura-soul/slave-no-more-series-tips-for-liberation-of-the-earth-heart-or-3-the-mind-control-used-by-shops-is-far-more-evil-than-most-have
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Hit the Nail on the Head … right on !! Keep doing what you do !!!
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I enjoyed both articles very much, thank you!
I have encountered an interesting phenomenon, and I will try to describe it as best as I can in the hopes that you have an idea, or it gives you inspiration; and for lack of a better word, I shall call it "Uncle Tom-ism".
While there is a broad consensus that the world, as it is, is sick and in desperate need of healing, even those who often vocally and strongly criticise the "system" – be it the whole, grand scheme or just their place of work (as above, so below) – are surprisingly quick to defend it once means and ways to escape are pointed out. Suddenly, things are "not that bad". In the overtones vibrates a fear of the unknown; as if the better world cannot be, or else, it would; as if the shackles of slavery actually give a feeling of comfort and security. I have not yet found a fixed point to lever this blockade out of the way.
Staying tuned!
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every case is unique and there are numerous relevant factors involved. the unprocessed fear will be having a voice, yes - fear of responsibility, fear of being attacked for being different - all manner of fears. this is part of why it is so necessary to find emotional balance first, before proceeding out 'there' in the world. once we are balanced internally, in a way that is felt and known - we can have confidence that actions taken in the world will be right and also embued with the necessary balance.
'the system' is one of 'comfort' and 'convenience' and sometimes the mind's idea of losing that conveneince creates a limiting perception which say that the alternative is worse than the current predicament (without really knowing for sure one way or the other).
i have found that by tuning into the feelings within the ones involved, through literally feeling in my heart and using my heart as a transmitter/receiver - i can understand some of what is blocking people and help them clear their blocks. If we all learn to do that then the impossible will be child's play in no time. <3
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part 3 of this series is available now here: https://steemit.com/life/@ura-soul/slave-no-more-series-tips-for-liberation-of-the-earth-heart-or-3-the-mind-control-used-by-shops-is-far-more-evil-than-most-have
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Man this is how life is. Someone is always trying to control us in some way, and we (hopefully) try to keep them from doing it (as much as we can).
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greetings! this is not the only way life can be - it is the result of mass heartlessness and the denial and conformity that allow the problems to continue.
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Yes, I get what you mean. My point is, we, as human beings, are flawed. There is a good chance that we might do the very stuff we criticize given the opportunity. I have seen it happen plenty of times before. :(
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denial and heartlessness can cause us to compromise and do what is not right - but once we are consciously creating, healed, balanced and fully in alignment with truth - this will not occur.
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Good point. I agree.
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part 3 of this series is available now here: https://steemit.com/life/@ura-soul/slave-no-more-series-tips-for-liberation-of-the-earth-heart-or-3-the-mind-control-used-by-shops-is-far-more-evil-than-most-have
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