The wheel of TIME : The Unsolved Mystery

in life •  7 years ago 

'TIME'. Thinking about this word rushes in several thoughts into my mind. What is TIME? I believe it's a quest still to conquer. Time is what we think, destiny is what the GOD has for us. A moment ago, a person is breathing; the next moment, he dies. A moment ago Indian Cricket Team was about to carry the glory, the next moment it rains and everything goes in vain. The wheel of time is a complicated phenomenon which several scientists and philosophers have been studying throughout their research life.

In day to day rendezvous with different situations in life, one understands the importance of time. The mother who was on her deathbed was longing to see her son; the train, which was all set to leave for its destination, and a thousand and one situations can be thought of. If her son wouldn't have missed his flight from USA to India, he would have at least got a chance to talk to her mother. If the traffic wouldn't have been too heavy, the person would have boarded himself on the train. Amazing excuses!


I personally feel that everything happens by destiny. To work for it is our duty, the result lies in the hands of ALMIGHTY. Sometimes life teaches you a lesson in the best possible manner to make you understand the importance of 'TIME'. People often have been running behind success, instead, run towards excellence. In countries where monsoon prevails, people look endlessly for rains; and sometimes get disappointed by weak monsoon and sorrow. Why ? The uncontrolled phenomena of nature itself signifies that TIME is still an unsolved mystery. Time changes, and it always changes for good.! The cloud which looks disastrous also gets carried away with the wind, to give relief and a hopeful tomorrow.


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This piece if article is a pure masterpiece. It is probably the best thing I've read today. Your words and your emotions are so deep and you portray your feelings in the form of words in a very lucid manner. I'm a fan and a follower too.
Thank you so much for sharing something so meaning with all of us here on steemit. :)

I like it. It's deep and philosophical, and gets you thinking. You also put the concept of time quite beautifully. I look forward to more of your posts.

Thanks a lot for showing interest in my article @stephmckenzie. The study of time is a beautiful concept in itself. I will keep up to your expectations in my future posts. Cheers.

I'll be looking for them. I've followed you.

Surely.. I ll keep you updated. I have followed you back.

Thank you! :)