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Interesting. The paradox of scientists complying with an established narrative in order to recieve funding is sad yet predictable. Its similar to artists having to do the bidding of thier patrons.
The fact that more and more varied opinions about the younger dryas catalyst are coming out gives hope that the old narrative is being challenged more and more.

Sometimes things don't change until particular individuals die. As the 'Old Guard' expire, the 'Young Turks' replace them, and then the new ideas become the new paradigm.


It is really your wonderful expression. Scientists will be able to make great works like artists and sell well, so they will create a science fantasy like that. Science is, after all, subjective as art.

What is the reason for calling the younger Dryas? I think it's a pagan term.

The Younger Dryas was named after a flower (Dryas octopetala) that grows in cold conditions and that became common in Europe during this time. You can find more information regarding the name, naming conventions in general, and more, with the search engine of your choice.