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Institutional power is already obsolete. It dies. Society will not join it on the pyre, but become something people effect voluntarily, far preferable to the manipulation and violent force that suffused it now.


Yep, until the masses accept that rule by force always loops back to here, where we are now, we don't have much hope of escaping this dystopic loop, imo.

I don't think it matters what the masses accept or reject regarding government at all. What matters is what each individual grasps benefits them in their particular circumstances. Working at a job that skims half your income off the top in taxes so you can buy stuff the price of which is mostly profit or other costs of doing business with the wages leftover from taxation makes individual possession of means of producing goods way far more profitable.

That's what I think is going to matter, and when making your own security from armed thugs is undertaken successfully by some early adopters, that success will force everyone to follow that example in order to maintain parity.

I don't think politics is relevant to the transformation of society that is ongoing. It's simply cost benefit analysis, and no one wants to bear more costs than everybody else, or get less benefits than are potential to them. That's the real revolution: making politics obsolete.

@valued-customer, EXCELLENT! you have figured out "how" to begin a "War of Wisdom" and a debate about "Tectonic Plates" and "Continental Shelves" and the mis-information" of each. I was lucky when in school, I had a few teachers who were exactly that, "Teachers" who taught us, mainly to think for ourselves. This included the ONLY Mountain range that is still growing, rather than shrinking. Those mountains have the tallest and the longest mountains in the world, the Himalayas with Everest and K2, only to name 2 of them.
Contemporary teachings are exactly what you brought to the fore, "pre-programming" to get us all to blindly accept what the Wealthiest wants us to believe. This being evidenced by the $1.2 TRILLION tax break that has benefitted ONLY the wealthiest among us.
This Country has spent more on "Defense" than the next 27 developed nations of the world, 25 of them are our own allies. Annually we give hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons and aid to the worlds greatest "Human Rights" violator, Saudi Arabia and those weapons and aid mysteriously end up in the hands of terrorist organizations around the globe. But yet, SA does so many "good things" for us, like only charging us for crude oil what they used to charge us in 1974 (ever wonder why our gas prices keep rising?) and we give Big Oil "subsidies" in order for them to get higher profits.
Many Thanks, I hope many read your whole article! Mitch, out

As ongoing propaganda and suppression of human rights continues, Agenda 21 grows in power, and one thing it features is a global human population of ~1 billion or less. That will necessitate over 6 billion people to die, and the inculcated tendency to accept propaganda is likely to be a strong determinant of who lives and dies.

It turns out, Soylent Green IS people after all.


There are a couple different ways you can treat this information. You can dismiss it, as I pointed out people that can't think about it do. You can be mad at me for pointing it out, making you a defender of lying overlords and the enemy of people telling the truth, or you can get mad at the evil bastards that literally changed how your brain works so they can profit from your malady.

I stopped reading right here. The first thing that came to my mind is Option 3, (option |3alls), ask Why Continents and form my own conclusion as to Why, instead of getting mad at some faceless "evil bastards".

Here's your Evil Bastards (genius if true).

A bunch of Geographers.

A continent is one of several very large landmasses. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions are commonly regarded as continents. Ordered from largest in area to smallest, they are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.Geologically, the continents largely correspond to areas of continental crust that are found on the continental plates. However, some areas of continental crust are regions covered with water not usually included in the list of continents.

I see you lean towards the second group, defending this obvious lie and those that have molded your mind to do so. Note that this is not merely a trivial matter of definition being haphazardly fluid, but a blatantly false mistatement of what continents are, and inflicted on children while they're forming the very circuits that enable them to define and conceive of their world, creating permanent pathways that determine how they handle this data.

It's not dismissable, nor a trivial matter. This psyop provably is centuries old. It's not possible that something so expensive to do to everyone on Earth for generation after generation is unimportant. It's not just a few geographers, but every institution on Earth, every authority you consult, and everyone you know. It's no accident you dismiss, defend your manipulators, and scorn me for pointing it out. It's undeniably real, demonstrably of enormous impact on our thinking about society and our world, and deliberately undertaken at great and continuous expense.

Enjoy the hit of dopamine that has been shown to reward folks denying facts to support their chosen in group. It costs you everything you really care about.


Edit: 'stopped reading there'. Is that supposed to reflect on the facts of the matter? The only way you refusing to read that last minute of text affects the issue is that you are rejecting information on it. How does that affect the facts? Guess what it does do, since it doesn't do that? It prevents you from considering the matter at all.

That's the only reason for doing it. That's a tell my friend.

The only way you refusing to read that last minute of text affects the issue is that you are rejecting information on it.

I cannot Reject it can I, if I am not even aware of what I am rejecting. Rejecting is not a passive action, but you accuse me of rejecting it and theorize WHY. I stopped reading because if it's not blatant to yo or anyone else, there are more than two options: Accept what you wrote as True (as you wrote clearly on things that you couldn't have any knowledge of, or the Motives behind Continents) or Deny it. I pointed out that you could do something that anyone worth their critical thinking would applaud immediately: To Inquire and to Form their Own Conclusions based on the results of the inquiry. You are looking for Tells, it seems, you're busy pegging me, or distinguishing the way I lean, instead of offering evidence, instead of providing the proof you speak of. What is the "true" definition of continents, and who's Lying?

"...I am not even aware of what I am rejecting."

Rejecting facts that reveal status quo to be based on lies is not novel, nor are you the only person to do this. Defending oppression by those victimized by it has been long recognized as a common response to oppression by those that feel unable to defend themselves.

It's called Stockholm Syndrome.

I didn't Reject what I am not aware of. You keep trying to twist things to fit your narrative, so good luck trying as hard as you don't even care to contort what I say into "Nazi Power".

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I see you lean towards the second group, defending this obvious lie and those that have molded your mind to do so. Note that this is not merely a trivial matter of definition being haphazardly fluid, but a blatantly false mistatement of what continents are

Really? So there is a True definition of what Continents are?

So, why are you resorting to pedantry rather than actually considering how and why this is done? Does it matter to you how many continents there are, or is the balkanization of humanity into Europoids and Others by psychologically manipulating children a more relevant issue?

If it's just a definition issue of no import, why isn't India called a continent, rather than, or in addition to Europe? Your protests aren't substantive, but instead reveal you are dodging and dancing around the actual important fact: the West has been psychologically manipulated for generations in order to create an us vs. them ideation, render Westerners susceptible to overlords and propaganda, and distort society to cement and further the power of overlords by causing plebs to instinctively follow their authority puppets and accept being chattel.

That reduces human freedom, worsens GINI, and has other effects that degrade humanity and compromises all our security and the fecundity of life overall. Europe isn't a continent, no matter the precise definition of a continent. It's the western end of Asia, just like India is the southern tip of Asia.

Your protests reveal not that you reasonably consider the matter, but that you are just as affected as the rest of us, and have been engineered through psychological manipulation to support the legacy system intended to reduce you to captivity for the benefit of your masters.

Question authority. Break your chains. Your obeisance is degradation. Fight against the miasma of disinformation that has been imposed on you to obscure factual reality. Look at a globe for a few minutes while you consider why and how Europe has been falsely separated from Asia through psychological manipulation.

Or, settle more comfortably into your cozy corral, the place prepared by your parasites to extract your production to fatten their wallets.


I'll just act like you didn't mount an attack on my character as you ridicule and theorize without end to assumptions.. Why are there 5 oceans? lol.. (RE: because there's not 6)

Why are there 5 oceans..

There's only the world ocean. If you want to play name games, there are seven seas, as well. What's the difference? More importantly what's the point? Why are you defending this lie so desperately? This you should ask yourself, not me.

I already told you once. Now I've told you twice. You can take it from here.

I'm not playing games, and denying that there are 5 oceans won't make the fact that there are five oceans a Lie. It's a matter of convention after all, if you know why there are 5 oceans, or why continents aren't 2 or 3 or 4 or 6. Why are you so desperately trying to assert that people conspired to control children's minds CENTURIES ago by making geographical distinctions?

" Why are you so desperately trying to assert that people conspired to control children's minds CENTURIES ago by making geographical distinctions?"

I told you, but you didn't read it. The reasons this matters are lost on you, since you are instinctively defending your beliefs from facts. As this discussion proceeds, it's becoming more clear that is your only purpose in it. Since that confirms my theory by revealing the theory correctly predicts future events, I do appreciate it.

You haven't actually addressed the evidence presented in the OP. Your desperation to defend your worldview has resulted in your dancing around it, diverting from it, and apparently setting out to ignore the facts to the extent possible. I suspect it's because it's so simple,provable, and accepting it's factuality would leave you unable to rationally justify your continued support for your overlords that you do this.

This is your angel to wrestle. I am not the origin of these facts. Argue those facts, or don't, as you will. Not addressing them doesn't affect them at all. It just leaves you where you are, and reveals that's where you want to be.

I told you, but you didn't read it. The reasons this matters are lost on you, since you are instinctively defending your beliefs from facts. As this discussion proceeds, it's becoming more clear that is your only purpose in it. Since that confirms my theory by revealing the theory correctly predicts future events, I do appreciate it.

How cute, you predicted someone questioning your theory and that only reinforced your theory, and you appreciate that reinforcement of YOUR theory.

Ego Much? If you had any unbiased bone in you, you'd go back and recognize what a giant ass you've made of yourself by assuming not only what Continents are defined as (strict geographic criteria) but by the numerous assumptions and "indicators" you almost expected (muh bias?) from me, and all the while, you've spared no chance to be a hypocrite by accusing me of both not questioning and of whatevering, of ad hominems and avoidance. Keep bloviating about how I support the overlords, and more power to that overlord hate group you're trying so hard to gather, and keep psychoanalyzing me, I know you don't care, but you do appreciate that I am confirming your predictions.

It is not disagreement that I predicted, but the very form of disagreement you have modeled perfectly. You have too powerfully expressed the acceptance of propaganda to even read and grasp the OP. Indeed, you didn't even read all of it LOL.

I did not define continents singularly and alone. Many people that noted this indoctrination in their youth have pointed out the inconsistency in that inclusion of Europe as a continent. I have pointed out multiple times that no matter how you define a continent, Europe is not one.

That fact, not the minutae of this or that definition, is relevant. You.Can't.Address.That.Fact.At.All.


Continents are categorised as such for convenience. It may be arbitrary, but human society can not function without definitions and categorisations. There is no evil conspiracy to control children, merely bureaucratic conventions, however arbitrary and poorly designed, for ease of classification. What will you rant about next? Traffic signials being some type of Pavlovian conditioning tool to make people be wary of the color "red" and "yellow," because the "green" dye-makers union control the 'gubermint?

The first and primary principle that every student must master is obedience, without which no instruction is possible. Man cannot "freethink" himself into mastering any technical skills, many of which are counter-intuitive. As Solon admonished the arrogant Athenians: learn to obey before you command. Accepting bureaucratic conventions is part of that obedience all students must master.

"Continents are categorised as such for convenience."

Indeed. One might as well call Romania a continent, which, were that definition foisted on the West over generations globally, would be convenient for Romanian dictators.

"It may be arbitrary, but human society can not function..."

My point is that it's not arbitrary. It's precisely to elevate Europe to some supposed natural geographical separation from the metaphorical 'other' that this specific definition is undertaken. Arbitrary would be that lackadaisacal miscategorization without cause or reason. India, Greenland, land on either side of various conceivable separators would have been so defined as has been Europe were this arbitrary.

It's not arbitrary at all.

You go be well mastered as you will. As for me, I will continue to anticipate and advocate for increasing the ability of free sovereign people to secure themselves, their possessions and communities against rapine overlords seeking only power. Society is far more beneficial to all concerned with the individuals comprising it secure from violent force. This security increases every day, and we see that people are increasingly subjected to violent oppression globally, and that ability of technological advance strongly facilitates their resistance to coercive force as time goes on.

I point out that once sovereign free people effect their security from coercion, they need neither to obey, nor command. They then become able to voluntarily effect society, and this continues to burgeon daily. Wallow in your master's shadows as you will. Some people like that kind of thing.

All the miseries of this world are caused by reformers, such as yourself, who imagine themselves more "enlightened" than the collective wisdom of human history. Will you next redefine and reform the very language, with which you denigrate your betters? Perhaps the reference standards for measurements are also some evil conspiracies to keep the "sovereign free" people in "slavery." Individuals do not exist in the absence of a social construct. The liberties of their actions are limited by the realities of their sociocultural matrix. Men are granted privileges befitting their station and duty. Willful disobedience, for which you tirelessly advocate, is the single greatest sin of mankind, as enumerated by all of the world's religions.

"All the miseries of this world are caused by reformers..."

That is blatantly obviously untrue. You cannot support with reason and logic your contention that we should all grovel before overlords, so you just lie.

Predatory overlords are the cause of all the misery in this world, and they used government to kill 200 million people during the 20th Century. That was no reform. It was genocide and the fruit of subservience to overlords that you recommend.

How did the very "overlords" you condemn for the miseries of the 20th century attain their power? Is it not through the revolt of the peasant muck against their betters, led by those malicious malcontents promising "reform"? Crack open the skull of any "reformer" and from there will spew forth innumerable, unimaginable evil. It is you who are deluded or intentionally untruthful regarding the reformers and the superfluous mongrels that have overtaken current world governments. Slaves make poor masters, and the consequences of elevating slaves and peasant muck into positions of authority have produced those very miseries you decry, or pretend to decry. Men need to know their place and role in their sociocultural matrix, not entertain delusions of grandeur, attempting to "reform" sociocultural institutions that gave them their very being or defile established natural order with their bumbling incompetence and evil. Rebellion is the only sin of mankind.

"How did the very "overlords" you condemn for the miseries of the 20th century attain their power?"

Deception, fraud, violence and every other lie and barbaric savagery you could name.

I am no reformer. The restoration of man's native liberty is not 'reforming' it. It's restoring it. It isn't my political recommendation that reform or restoration be undertaken. It is physics manifesting the core mechanisms of efficiency and decentralization that I merely note. It doesn't matter what I want or don't want. Certainly no one is going to act one way or the other to sate my desires.

The laws of physics are immune to politics, and mandate decentralization of the means of production. It recognizes no one as insignificant muck, nor noble overlords. It can't be amended, overturned, or banned. 2 + 2 = 4 is not a question. It is fact. It isn't my opinion, subject to debate, or optional. I don't propose it, recommend it, or change it.

Decentralization of the means of production destroys centralization of the means of production, and all your excoriation of me, muck, and liberty, or extolling violent psychopaths wading in the blood of their peers to take their wealth from them, doesn't change that equation one jot or tittle. Your tirades and opinions aren't facts, and won't change the laws of physics. Neither are, nor will mine.

I just note that this is happening. You rage against and advise us to not live in the universe that actually exists. Not only does your political stance fail to make any sense, it doesn't matter in the least.

I remember thinking this about Europe when they taught us the continents. My disagreement persists to this day. Europe and Asia are obviously the same continent and the distinction between them is arbitrary. I would guess that this easiest-to-accept of lies, since it is of no consequence to one's daily life, would be a particularly good starting point in the indoctrination scheme. These sorts of lies could gradually be added over time until we arrive at the bigger ones that relate to philosophy, the physical sciences and economics.

In retrospect, I can also note that my teachers' responses to these questions about the trivial matter of the European "continent" sound awfully similar to the responses I was given when questioning inconsistencies between the Bible and what we were taught in church school, or when I challenged my mother on the existence of Santa Claus. All of them essentially amount to "just do what I say." The one that bothers me the most is the Santa Claus thing, because it's so near and dear to people's hearts. It's a very well crafted propaganda tool used to generate conformity. I've never seen a better one for at least singling out what you refer to as Mustangs in this series.

I hope my essay has confirmed in you a dedication to the observations of your own eyes and senses in lieu of obedience to authorities that are provably lying to you. No better result of my considerations is potential than better enabling free people to grasp the reality they hold the power themselves to effect their destinies by attaining to decentralized means of production.

Decentralization is not a meme; not some fluke of coincidence, but the necessary evolution of technology that increases it's utility to humanity, by increasing it's profitability to individual people. Decentralization renders centralization obsolete, and eventually will completely supercede the power of parasitism that continually saps society to empower overlords. Be free, and by attaining to your own best interests enable your brethren to seize their own destinies from the vampires that seek their life's blood.


@tipu curate

Sorry, recovering voting power 🐹

So far:

Why Continents?
Duh, To Pave Neural Control Paths.

You literally offered the reader a binary option of Hate You (the author) or Hate the Conspirators, and you didn't present or mount any kind of argument for the conspiracy, but that didn't stop you from theorizing as to what all could be effectuated by such a conspiracy, and without gathering evidence, without forming an hypothesis based on the evidence, without testing your hypothesis and providing some kind of control to act as a background that the evidence could contrasts against, you went ahead and asked the readers to hate some faceless conspirators, that by now are nothing but dust. If I question, if I confront, if I bother to even point out that look, continents isn't defined by any strict quals like you believe, that continents came about as convention, much like left and right isn't a mechanism to form a schism in the mind, but a convention, and more importantly as all names do, to make distinction, distinctions which without we couldn't Reason or Think, and it isn't a matter of Playing Games, but you claim there is all this proof for this conspiracy without offering ANY proof and characterize me as "defending" the lie, as I fall in the false dichotomy of Blatantly Accepting everything you say as True or Being a Faceless Conspirator Defender.

By focusing on pedantic precision you obscure the actual, provable fact that Europe is just the western end of Asia. There is no reasonable basis, regardless of precise definition of what a continent is, to name Europe a continent. AFAIK, no one has ever proposed calling India a continent, despite better reasons to do so geographically.

As usual, you simply ignore the substantive and demonstrable evidence that this isn't just some coincidental lapse in judgment by random geographers. Re read the OP. I carefully droned on for paragraphs to do exactly that, and the only acknowledgment of any of that evidence you undertake is to simply deny that I presented it. Further, rather than discussing societal control effected by this psychological manipulation, you devolve into ad hominem finger pointing at the conspiracy theorist, deflect by playing whataboutism, and - exactly as predicted in the OP - defend your attackers and attack your defenders.

I would call that strong evidence of the theory scientifically, as accurate prediction enabled by a theory usually reveals a theory is correct. You don't have to blatantly accept anything I say, but you reveal instead that you instinctively reject the possibility, and undertake to dance around relevant facts to protect your inculcated world view. You tell me what this means. I offer this evidence I have noted, and that is no demand you accept it.

You don't address it, but divert with whataboutism, and then reveal you simply and deliberately ignored evidence I provided. What does that reveal about your motives and ability to consider this evidence? I submit that I am strongly led to agree with Mark Twain, because you exactly behave as predicted by the theory. I don't care what you say about me, and the fate of the world does not depend on your freedom or lack thereof. It really doesn't affect me, and I'm not undertaking to defend me from you, nor my theory.

You haven't actually addressed it. You simply ignore, evade, and lash out with insults, as predicted. I offer the opportunity to benefit from the evidence I present. If it's incorrect, show how it is. If you're driven to protect the status quo, you should ask yourself why, rather than playing with disinformation tactics to reduce the discussion to bullying some assumed enemy. How does offering this information harm you? Why divert and trivialize the issues?

The only reason I can see for doing that is to defend your worldview. This is the very response I predicted folks unable to question their beliefs due to this inculcation of them during the window of opportunity for such indoctrination by institutions wielded by overlords for the purpose. Either address the specific facts I presented, which you do not do, or continue to lend support to my theory by acting exactly as predicted.



I find your post valuable as it just goes to show how many games we people play. Almost like Matryoshka dolls, we have games within games within games. Something as simple as trying to define reality, any given phenomenon, or applying labels with specific meanings is a game unto itself. This, especially when separated among cultural or language barriers. I’m sure there are, were, and continue to be politics involved as it pertains to man's various definitions for continents. After all, we're talking about real estate here. So, it is no small matter, but rather the stuff wars are made of, occupying both the realm of the physical and the informational.

I am grateful for you contribution to the discussion. I sought to illustrate why this definiton of Europe as a continent is foisted on 6 year old children as the reason it is done at all, due to the ability of that undertaking to permanently hardwire our brains to deal with propaganda thereafter. While the political separation of Europe from 'other' is no doubt supportive of legacy and up and coming overlords, I really do think that the permanent affect on our brains and it's impact on us for life is the most powerful reason this has been undertaken.

That I was incapable of doing this has been an unceasing source of entertainment for me. Now, when I am impacted by propaganda I notice, I get to theorize about conspirators endlessly, and that is amusing.


"theorize about conspirators"

I like that, it's much harder to demean.