Forgot to Set My Alarm... AGAIN!!!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Good morning, Steemians!

Well, it happened to me again. I somehow forgot to set my alarm last night, and woke up this morning to a sunny bedroom. I immediately freaked out. The dreadful feeling of being late to work cannot be explained in words; you just have to live it.


Being a teacher, having a class starting at 7:05 AM and waking up at 7:06 AM is not fun. I called the school, and the principal's secretary answered. I told her who I was and what had happened, and her only question was, "How long do we have to send someone to your room to tap dance?" I said, "about twenty minutes." She said "Ok got it covered." I was relieved but in a frenzy at the same time.

I jumped in the shower for two minutes,. Which is about a minute shorter than I usually shower. I didn't have time for my coffee or anything to eat, got dressed, filled up my water bottle and ran out the door. I got to the school and had to go around to the back entrance because they closed the gates to the main entrance. This made me even more late.

I signed in and ran up to my third floor classroom. The sub who will be subbing for me tomorrow was sitting there reading a newspaper. I said "Thank you so much I'm really sorry I'm late!" She said "It's ok, the students are doing their bell work and are behaving very well."


Guys, this is my nightmare. It ended up not being so bad, but I was thirsty, hungry, tired from not having any coffee, and just out of it. The good news is that my wife doesn't work today so on my planning period she brought me food and coffee. (she rocks!)

This happened to me about a month ago but I was able to make it to school just before my class started. Last year I didn't miss my alarm once. I'm really on a roll this year lol.

When we have to wake up at such an ungodly hour, these things are bound to happen, though. It happens every day with the students, and you'd be surprised at how often it happens to the teachers. I think I'm maybe the 5th or 6th teacher this year that I know of to sleep through their alarm or forgot to set it.

Thanks for stopping by, Steemians! I need to get it together!!!

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how many beers you have last night lol :)

Two lol

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