Things I learned late in my life

in life •  7 years ago 

Social Media wastes a Lot of Time.

Ask Yourself, The Memes You Look on Facebook, The Cool Stories of Others Lives you see on Instagram & Stalking Your Crush, The Stupid Car-Music SnapChat Stories.. Is it Worth It ? It’ll just make you feel More Depressed seeing all that.

Don’t fall in love.

Ask me, I fell for this Girl in Aug 2016 and I was So attached with her that I wasted a Lot of time using Social Media for her post Updates, Waiting for her WhatsApp Replies, You’ll lose your sleep and you’ll go out of your limits to make things happen and You have no idea how much it hurts watching her with someone else so PLEASE DON’T. Never Fall in One Sided Love.

Watch Out for Your Health.

Eat Properly Eat Healthy, Hit the Gym.

I’m 6′0″ and 53KG and I feel Awkward going to Places maybe because of that reason so I decided to Change it and Hit the Gym and Eat Properly. Lets see the Results in 1 Year.

Read, Read Anything you Find Interesting ( I’m not talking about erotic novels here)
No matter how or where you read it.
Learn How to Dress.
It matters. If you Dress Properly ( Good Fitting, Good Color, etc ) You’ll feel confident.

If Spending Money on Yourself will Improve You. DO IT.

I’ve a slightly “Not-Straight” Teeth so I got Braces because I need that good smile.

Know Your Limits with People. Not everyone you consider your friend will have the same sense of humor so be careful what you speak to them.

Give Priority to FAMILY and Close Friends who will be there when you need them.

LEARN TO SAY NO( It’s hard for me but I try. )

Never Spend Money on People who don’t deserve it.

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