in life •  8 years ago 


I must say a goal driven person is one who does not concern himself /herself with opinions that does not count (critics). He/She inbibe the habit of shunning critics and avoid comparing himself to a superior or an inferior. Then I can categorically say you have jumped over obstacles on the way to success and discovering your purpose of existence. So when you give hears to your critics and fall prey to them you find your self doing what you do not intend doing and at the long run you also become an enemy to yourself by comparing yourself with a superior (higher than your standard; you not telling yourself the truth) and an inferior ( lower than your standard; you have limited your capability). Here is something to digest on comparing yourselves to others.

We don't dare compare ourselves with those who think they have made it
Making comparisons will lead you to envy.
"Jealousy and anger will shorten your life".Shun comparison! It will reduce your life span.
"Don't take anybody else's definition of success as your own." You cannot build your personal destiny on the faith or experience of another person.
In quote "Martin Luther" Every man must do two things alone, He must do his own believing and his own dying.
Now you see you must not comfirm yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind.
Nothing gets you behind faster than trying to keep up with people who have already arrived.
Lastly, Never measure your achievements by what others have done or have not done.

Give comments ,suggestions and also you can comment what area you have faulted from the above and we can talk about proffering solution.


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