August 2000 -3

in life •  7 years ago 

Aug 28

I stayed over at Yuki's again last night. We set up a tent in her yard and slept there. It was great! We got up before 6. We decided to go to a chatroom with a task to talk to weird people and find out how they have sex. We pretended to be like that too. We spoke absolute rubbish. We found out that it is trendy now to lick each other. All of the body. Even girls do that! They must be nuts!

In the afternoon I supervised Yuki while she cleaned her room. Then we watched Passport to Paris again. I already liked Mary-Kate and Ashley but now I am in love! They are so pretty and their clothes and jewellery are gorgeous and they are twins! And they are in movies and their voices are beautiful. I borrowed the video from Yuki and copied it later.

At night I lay with mum for a while. She absolutely cannot listen well! When you tell her something, she would only ever express her opinion! And it is usually the opposite of yours. I told her that I am in love with Mk&A now. She replied that that is weird and stupid and I am much prettier than them.

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