Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

in life •  7 years ago 

If you read my post yesterday, you will know that I have an ant problem.

It isn't that large of a problem, but it is very annoying never the less. Ants have basically moved in and decided they will make my house their home, which doesn't sit well with me. 

I have tried keeping the place spotless as well as a special ant poison, neither have worked. A couple days ago I bought a new kind of poison, plus a spray poison that kills on contact. So far it seems to be working.

Now, that I will be sharing my living space with these creatures, I figured I should learn a little about them. 

Here are some interesting facts about ants:

1. Ants have super human strength. We already knew that. However, we are talking about the ability to lift 10x and 50x their own body weight. That would be the equivalent of me lifting up my car and carrying it around on my back... yikes. 

The Asian Weaver Ant is the strongest of them all. Able to lift 100x it's own body weight. Those Asian's get all the strength... sigh. 

2. Ants don't have ears or lungs. They "hear" by sensing vibrations and they breath using spiracles in their sides, much like other insects. 

3. Ants are the only creatures in the world (besides humans) that will farm other animals. They will intentionally keep aphids alive for long periods of time in their nests. They shelter them from the elements and defend them against predators in order to obtain a constant supply of the aphid's honeydew.

4. There are lots of ants. How many you might wonder? Well current estimates say that there are roughly 1 million ants per person on the planet, so 1 million X 7 billion would give us our total ant population (give or take a couple hundred million of course).

5. Some ants are slave makers. Turns out they have quite a lot in common with humans! 

Ants will raid neighboring ant colonies and capture their inhabitants and make them work for their own colony. Hopefully they at least give them decent sleeping quarters!

That is all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed learning some new information about my sworn enemy. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

Resource and Picture:

I am the: @voiceofreason 

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Nice , thanks for sharing. I have some ant knowledge now😄

Great post, easy to read!

really nice post upvoted.Check out mine too.thanks

Oh man these little guys are more pests than what I originally though haha :) Great read!

Haha you never know what your going to read which this picture ! Great article , will take notes

Bernard Werber, a French science writer, has written a trilogy "Les Fourmis" (The Ants) about ants.
Apparently it has been translated into English as "Empire of the Ants". You can find it on Amazon.
You may be interested in this, as it is at the same time informative and entertaining.

Crazy that they farm other animals, didn't know that :O
I hope you win the war, and please don't do like my grandpa who uses gasoline. He ruined most of his lawn lol :D

Yeah...ants are such a pest. But the side of it is that...It is a good pollinator for the garden.