In case you're wondering: Your Happiness, My Glow!

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)


Hello Buddies! I know my blog has been a little too quiet lately, to Steemit and everyone who has stopped by, I'm terribly sorry. But I'm still very much around, I still read blogs and interact through comments. I'm still here 24/7.

for those who still get it wrong, lol..

I've had some insightful experiences lately, every conversation I engage in, every contact I make with every person or thing, leaves me unconsciously engaging my mind in a reproduction exercise over the just concluded moments. I (originally a very sensitive being) have become more sensitive and dedicated to understanding the workings of the human mind, and I have become even more deeply involved with every contact.

This has made me appreciate even more, the human make up, and has bared to me the unlimited dimensions of power the individual possesses in every sphere, but has unknowingly/knowingly not activated.

For instance, I talk to someone who is evidently broken, yet all I realize is how whole and strong they are, or, I talk to someone who has given up on many things in life, yet all I see is an individual too focused and determined. Whether obvious or hidden, I cannot deny such beauty.

Some factors have made me pause blogging for a while, steemit has become a place I can reveal my soul in a heartbeat, and watch myself grow into my future kind of woman. More so, my latest human discoveries have made me more careful with my mode of expression, and the denotation of the underlying message in my blogs. Now I know what the individual is capable of, so no playing with his mind, or I would have tampered with his rationality.

Now this has been the most captivating of my recent encounters because of its personal significance to me. Few days ago, I had this conversation with an acquaintance who is currently in one of those bad places in the mind. For a minute, we were doing well, then the next, he got all defensive for (what I thought was) no reason.

He went on bombarding me with: "I shouldn't be talking to you, you know nothing of pain", "you have it all together, you can't possibly understand what it feels like to be me", "you're too young to get it, and people like me hate to keep tabs on people like you". Then this attempted to freeze my heart: "you can't fix me. Don't talk to me about healing, when you know nothing about pain" (and I had not uttered even a word). I simply smiled. That was undoubtedly the best conversation we had ever had.

But then I figured, many other people have attempted saying same to me lately (though indirectly), through chats and even physical dialogue. I apologize for having (unintentionally) made y'all think my life is perfect or I have it all together. Now I'll give you a hint.

I have lived a time when pain was the only real thing in my life, when the smiles, fun, laughter, sleep, calm, were all fake but pain. I've once had pain as my only defense, the only thing I could hold surely onto. I've lived life when the only part of me I could count on was the part of me that was broken, when the only person I could depend on was the shattered me. I've known times when I could tell the huge difference between help and rescue (because I didn't just need help, I needed more commitment -Rescue).


I've known pain by name and character (maybe even now), but I speak of it in past tense because I choose to look on the bright side, there's always a better view there, and I (as well as you, and everyone) always emerge strong. Pain has its victory though, which makes it a huge part of the joy, but that story is not for this blog in particular, maybe the next.

So please dear friends, and everyone soon to know me or someone like me, when I try to listen to your heart, it's not because I'm trying to make myself more confident about some fairy tale perfect life I have, but because I have my doses of pain, but I simply care for you so much I want to share yours.

I don't want to fix you, but to help you see how powerful you are to do it yourself, how you can achieve whatever you want once you are able to realize what you fundamentally possess. I love y'all loads, because you fix me, when you didn't know I'm broken.

When you're good, I'm better, because your happiness is important to me. Not mine (because for me it's on repeat, lol..), yours. And this is my inspiration.

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My first thought was that you got a new phone. Anyway, nice to see your smile again. 🌻

Lol... Sure I did, then I went digging posts to catch up with all I'd missed. I was still here round the clock, but it got all different by the day (in a good way), steemit and steemians now mean more to me, so I wanted to find the proper way to fit in the newly discovered values, and do it better. But I'm all good now. Thanks a lot for still coming around.

Just stumbled upon your blog post.

You are doing well. I have followed you lately but did know

Good work you are doing with your blog.


Blessed up.

See you around

Oh thanks buddy, I'm glad you read this. I did follow you too. See you soon.

This is beautiful!

Thanks for reading friend.