Reducing environmental pollution from our personal level

in life •  5 years ago 

There is a popular saying we all may know, "Think locally, act globally.'' Everything is actually work in this order. It may sound 'too much' that how can we create an impact on reducing pollution. It's hard to measure the 'level of impact' from a personal level but our act actually adds up as a whole. And this works in both ways; I mean our positive actions and negative both effects on global matter. If so, then we should try to work positively to reach any global issue and this can also be done to reduce environmental pollution.


The first thing we should do, if we want to impact on environmental pollution is 'knowing what actually causes the pollution'. There are thousands of actions we are doing every day unconsciously which have a huge impact on the global environment. Like throwing a tiny plastic or using non-bio degradable products.

There are mainly five types of pollution, you may know; air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution. So we should point out what types of action we are doing every day and how this is affecting those types of pollution.

There are thousands of people who use a huge amount of water for bathing or consume huge electricity; which is not necessary. But as we used to think partially, so we can not see the big effects. Using electricity more than need or turning on any devices that are not necessary may not sound that much harmful but think this way- we need to burn or use natural resources to produce electricity and if we do not use that rationally, all those resources are just thrown away. A single act can have a huge impact, like planting trees!

Waste management can be a great tool to impact directly on the world environment. Our waste gonna dump anywhere on this earth no matter what it is and where we live. So reducing the amount of waste, managing it, dumping it properly can help as a whole. Also, we can choose our action to reduce water, air, and other pollution easily. Just we have to be conscious of our action. How it is affecting as a whole. And only then we may manage our action to impact on reducing environmental pollution.

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Curated By @upmewhale .

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"Think locally, act globally.'' Let's are on this together!