RE: # Dear Steemian, What Do You Think Can Be Done To Beat Depression?

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# Dear Steemian, What Do You Think Can Be Done To Beat Depression?

in life •  7 years ago 

I think a combination of sunlight, exercises, break free of the mental prison is more effective than drugs.

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yes, sunlight - especially the midday 12 O' clock sunlight with around 390nm wavelength helps a lot. Just like the sunlight during the day a bad aspect is artificial light of the same / similar wave lengths during night - especially after 8:30 PM when our circadian rhythm starts producing Melatonin (called Melatonin onset) which induces sleep. The light acts as a switch, the more delay, the more trouble that we get into. All this is easier said and doing tough ...

Yes, I am creating a happiness toolbox, so that I have lots of things on hand to distract or do when I feel an episode coming on. That in itself has taken a little time to master, but it is doable. You have to learn about yourself and give yourself a break sometimes.