Knowing how to identify a manipulator is essential if you want to save yourself from the drama of dealing with them. A manipulator will usually try to make you feel vulnerable by acting openly, avoiding eye contact, and changing moods frequently. The aim is to keep you off-balance and dependent, which will only make the manipulation more difficult. If you've ever been the victim of a manipulation, you'll understand the importance of identifying the signs of a manipulator.
The first sign is the fact that a person is manipulating you. This person is not apt to make a genuine apology, and they love to play the victim role. Unlike a true victim, a manipulator is a master of causing chaos. It's also worth noting that a manipulator does not apologize. He or she is not a great communicator. Oftentimes, a manipulated person may even blame the victim for the chaos.
The manipulation process can be frustrating and difficult for both parties. It's important to be aware of your own body language and the body language of your manipulator. A manipulator does not want you to take responsibility for the situation and will not admit wrongdoing. In addition to not taking responsibility for their actions, a manipulator will make you feel guilty and resentful and will try to use the situation to get what they want.
If you suspect a person of being a manipulator, you might be able to tell by their behavior. They will often pressure their victims into decisions and never give them time to think through their decision. They will also raise their voices and yell to attract attention. A manipulator will also use their voice to make you feel guilty. If you see these characteristics in a manipulator, you may want to avoid dealing with them.
When you feel pressured by a manipulator, try to take time to think. Don't make a decision under pressure. Instead, say, "I'll think about it." The manipulator will stop using this technique when they realize that they have no control over you. A manipulator is a person who will make you feel guilty. A person who doesn't accept responsibility for his or her actions will likely never be a manipulator.
A manipulator will usually make you feel guilty and will deny wrongdoing when confronted. If a person is trying to manipulate you, it will only lead to further trouble. It's best to trust your gut feelings and pay close attention to the body language. By noticing the above signs, you can learn how to deal with a manipulator and stop the misery that they cause.