In order to build your credibility in your own mind and in the minds of others, you must first be open and honest. People love it when a person is direct and straightforward. The truth shines through. Honesty also breeds credibility because others will see the truth in you. Give them the full picture and they will return the favor.
Think about all the times you turned down an opportunity to pursue a dream because you felt it would not be a good business move for you. Even when it was right for you, your credibility was shot. The only way to regain that kind of credibility is to show others what you are capable of. This doesn't mean you should lie about your capabilities; it just means that you need to develop the ability to honestly describe what you are capable of. Only then will others be convinced that you can do the work necessary to succeed.
Have you ever felt uncomfortable asking others for help? It's happened to everyone at one time or another. It's a gutsy thing to do, but it's the only way to get someone to look after you. If you don't ask, then you will never get help. Showing that you are willing to pick up the baton and carry the load is the first step.
Credibility is also not a trait that you are born with. I believe that it is learned. And if you want to be a successful business owner, you must be willing to learn. You may think that this sounds boring. It isn't boring, though, if you understand that it's the only way for you to move up in your career.
There are many ways that you can earn credibility among your peers, co-workers, and superiors. You can do it by getting your name out there and making yourself known. As a business owner, one of the most important ways that you can earn the respect of others is by proving that you can handle tough situations and that you can handle tough challenges.
One way to do this is to give others a crash course in dealing with different kinds of people. If you never took a crash course in dealing with others, then you don't know what you're talking about. The quickest way to gain credibility with others is to give them something that they want - and that's what you should be doing with your business. Give away a free product, give away a free guide or ebook, or give away some training. Once you've gained their trust, they will begin to see you as someone reliable, thus someone that they can depend on and depend upon.
Once this happens, your credibility grows because you have proven to others that you are trustworthy. They will be more likely to follow you because they see that you are following through on your word. That's powerful. You have already established through your actions that you are an excellent person to work with. Once this is in place, you will find that you have a number of loyal followers who are willing to work with you.
Credibility is a trait that is not natural. It is not something that was randomly selected or that just happened over night. It takes work, and it takes effort. But if you are determined to create a good impression for yourself, you can get there. And if you are determined to build a better impression for others, you can get there too.
Think about it. How many people do you know that never take the time to write down their phone number, address, and email address on a napkin or slip of paper? Or how many people do you know that are always looking for business cards or business card substitutes? Or how many people do you know that bring business cards and business card substitutes everywhere they go?
These are the people that show you credibility by doing great deeds and making a positive impact in their lives. These are the people that you want to emulate. These are the people that you want to listen to and follow. This is the way you build your credibility.
So, remember, your credibility is not a trait that you are born with. It is something that you work hard at and nurture from your roots. It is not something that comes automatically. It takes work. But if you work at it, you will find that your credibility grows and builds over time.