How can your body temperature change quickly?

in life •  8 years ago 

UK has one of the strangest weather in Europe and I suppose is caused by the fact that is an island. The temperature can easily drop down anyway its summer time.

As you should know by my previous posts, I was in Italy till yesterday and the weather was incredible hot as you can see from this photo taken at 9.30 am during my way back to the airport.


38 degrees at 9.30 in the morning O.O

Then once I landed in UK I had rain... rain and again rain. I nice temperature of 15 degrees (today 14) and the body is getting crazy. I would like to switch on the heating or the fireplace because I feel incredible cold... but before going to Italy my body was accepting without problem the British temperature.

Today I went to do a visit and I was wearing a wool jumper and the jacket but I would like to highlight that we are in SUMMER.

Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 21.17.42.png

This is what I am expecting in the next 36 hours and guys I am freezing :(

It is supposed to be summer... I should sweat to go to work... I should got to the beach not to ski on the hills :(

How is the weather in your country guys? I hope it is better than mine.

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What you missed not being here last week was that my car read 37'C here in the UK - and the actual temperature was 33'C - we do get occasional hot weather here too - you just missed it!

what part of UK are you from? I suppose the south east of the country

How did you guess? What about you?

I have lived in the south for 3 years but now I moved to Shrewsbury thats' why I know that the south east is warmer and dryer than here!

Nice pace of life over there though - and not crowded like the south east - better quality of life...

not entirely sure! I had a very good life in the south east ;)

Do you want to know what happen in Wales....? rain rain rain cold rain oh wait this is a little bit of sun..oh no sorry it was rain!!!!!!! :(

:( don't tell me... I told you already where I have to go tomorrow!

ehehehe nice one :)




My temperature reaches about 40 degrees these days
It's really unbearable

wow here I have switched on the fire place anyway in summer time

Wow you post most nice @webdeals

Thanks :)

You know what they say about the UK - you guys have 9 months winter and 3 months bad weather ;)

You should know by now that the British don’t have a summer! And yet, all British people do is moan about the weather!

I too would love for the sun to come back! We had a great week of Warm weather, but it soon ended, and left me with nothing more than a stubborn chest infection!

What country did you start from?

I am Italian. I know already that you don't have summer but the previous year at least I had warm days... maybe not dry days but warm.

Am in Nairobi , Kenya the night temperature is 11 degrees, tomorrow the day temperature will be 22. June n July are our winter months. Thanks for sharing

that's cool. I was thinking that being so close to the equator you didn't have any seasons. Thank you for sharing :)

You are lucky! Now in Russia temperature is nearly +5 - +20 in Moscow. One day we have rain, next - snow, then a bit sunny, then again rain.
It lasts whole June! I take to my work everything!

oh my gosh! That's absolutely crazy! Then yes I have to say I am luckier that you

Ahah I'm in the Uk as well. More precisely in London, and my body need to adapt depending if I'm in the tube (40°) or in the street (20°) ahah 😂 😂

hahaha true!In the tube is so hot... but then in some point (escalators) is getting so windy and cold...

ahah right ! especially if you're in the central line it's a relief !! 😡 => 😛

that's the one I was talking about!

lol I work in Soho Square Garden and you ?

I am living in UK but not in London. I have spent so much time in that city that I know well how to get sick in the tube.

I am living in Shrewsbury now. Where are you from originally?

I totally understand you ! I am from Paris, I spent 1 year in London and will come back to Paris for 1 year in 2 weeks, after I don't know where to go 😀

that's nice! I like Paris and I have such nice memories about your city! Good luck for your adventure

LOL Average british weather, really hot one day and rainy and cold for the next week.

absolutely true :(

I am starting to take it more easy after 2 years :) I can go at work without a jacket :))

wow lucky you :D

In Berlin it's super sweaty and humid. Not too warm, but just the air is really sticky :l Not too pleasurable either.

I can imagine. I would like to have a spring time... not to hot not to cold...

I'm living in Hamburg and it's the same you can have 30°C and sun and few hours later the sky is like in The Day After Tomorrow.

oh man... so it's not only UK like that! I can believe that people will feel sick easily

yes but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger :D


Very strange. At 9.30am?
That is UK for you.

9.30 in Italy (not UK) was showing 38 degrees

if its too hot i usually just sit in the fridge if its too cold i usually just spin around in circles until i get warm

Ahahags like a dog/cat lol

dog/cats sit in the fridge?

sometimes you can see if its very hot that every time you open the fridge/freezer they come close or jump in ahhaha

those bastards! they probably stole your frozen peas also

ahahah I hope now

My temperature reaches about 40 degrees these days
It's really unbearable

wow... here rain and cold anyway it is summer. I had to switch on the heating today

Yeah stuff the UK! Currently residing in Valencia where it is 22:24pm and 29 degrees!

niceeee here I suppose we have 10degrees now... I am completely freezing at home

Probably see 10 degrees in November, at night :D

I know :( I have spent 1 year of my life in Murcia capital :( not far away from you

ahh, nice! Time to make a trip back over to warm up then!

When its 38C outside, i make sure to stay....inside...

Anything higher than 25C and i physically cant walk outside in the sun anymore

wow! I had to walk outside... intact I have the burned skin

I have friends who live in Spain, always above 30C..... im not sure how its even possible to live that way !

in the south of Italy too.... think that Sunday we had 32 degrees at 11.30 pm

Noooo !!!! i couldnt do it ! i would need an umbrella and a large bottle of water with me at all times !

eheheh I can believe it LOL

I want 38C to walk, it is cold in Moscow. Every day is unpredictable. It is the first year with this weather.

Come to Glasgow, it rains all the time and it's cold a lot, if we get 2 days in a row with some sun it feels like a heatwave.

my gosh! I can't live like that! you have my respect

Born here, so used to it, dont like a cold wet Monday morning, but what can you do.

true...what can we do? :( just accept it

yup, seems that's life, accept what you cant change. And change what you can affect.

good words! :)

you are welcome

Thank you.

you are welcome