Scrapper Adventures...

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hauling some cans to the scrap yard. Had 131lbs @.50 a lb = $65.50. I bought my first bmx bike, a Dyno VFR($300), collecting cans when i was a kid. I woke up extra early on recycling day to pick cans before school (& i still save them). Injoy


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I've recycled cans and scrounged aluminum a few times, brass and
Copper as well, even some computer parts (but that was for
ecological reasons, not for Money ☺)Nice job


I never got into computers or cell phones. Platinum?

Like I said, it was more of an ecological exercise. To keep all those
Heavy metals and rare earth materials out of the landfills.
Germanium and other things in the circuit boards
Can be harvested and reused, but it ain't
Easy and it ain't cheap. Thanks for
Stopping by @weirdheadaches.

Very nice :]