When I first posted this on my Facebook page I had a lady reply to me with a rather frustrated comment, as she believed that my meaning here was that we should not stand up for ourselves. I soon discovered that this same lady had recently suffered in an abusive relationship and talked about how she would have to walk on eggshells around her partner or face harsh consequence; and that it was only once she stood up to him and walked away that her life improved.
Firstly I congratulated her on finding the courage to leave her toxic relationship as this is (as anyone who has been there will know) not an easy thing to do by a long shot. Secondly I reassured her that the orginal context that gave birth to this thought was not that we do not stand up for ourselves, but rather that if we must then we ensure that we do so in the best way possible; and most importantly that we not make the situation far worse than it needs to be. Because I will always say that if someone seeks to impose themselves upon you, to take your freedom or to otherwise cause you harm, then do not be afraid to resist! No matter how small they may make you feel at times, no one is ever too big! No one is ever unbeatable! And no one ever gets to control you unless you give them the keys!

Take the timeless story of David and Goliath, or maybe something more recent such as the anime series Attack on Titan. In both tales we see a hero taking on a literal giant; a looming and powerful being more than capable of swiftly crushing them underfoot (or in the case of the Titan's, chew them up!) and yet they hold their own somehow? Well it's because in either tale, the heroes didn't win by rushing head first at their opponent with reckless abandon, or if they did then at least had some method to their madness. David used his sling to target Goliath's weak spot to bring him down. The Soldiers from A.O.T did exactly the same only via the use of vertical manouevering equipment that lets them fly "spiderman style" through the air to reach those terrifying giants vulnerable spot, a killzone that once struck sent them crashing to the ground! For you see, that is the most important part here... Having a plan!

My thought was never discouraging the poking of a sleeping dragon, but simply that we formulate a plan for when the thing inevitably wakes up and seeks retribution. For while I say that no person can be so big that they are without weakness, we are being very foolish if we fail to respect their strength. As champion of the Philistines, Goliath killed many people before his eventual slaying at the hands of young David. The same as hundreds of people would go on to suffer truly horrific deaths at the hands of the Titan's before they were finally brought down. These entities were extremely dangerous and exceedingly formiddable and it paid never to forget it. While he could obviously see his opponents weakness, David never once denied his opponents size and strength, but instead planned to include it. Up close and personal he knew he would likely perish so had to keep at a safe distance, so the sling gave him the ability to strike at Goliath's weakness in a way that was best for his own survival. The Soldiers on the other hand were perhaps a little more daring in regards to getting right in their face! Like mosquito's buzzing around your head, they would favour zooming in at breakneck speeds and to hack and slice away at the giant, using the Titan's size against them and their own mobility to their advantage because they knew that the Titans were slow and their senses somewhat dull. Of course many of them did in fact perish due to such close combat scenarios the same way a mosquito gets squished if it's caught out, but of the most seasoned among them, no Titan could hope to last!

In the end they say that there is no venture without risk and it's very true, as all actions reap consequences whether we like it or not; simple cause and effect. But as I said in my last post, there is an important difference between an educated risk and a dangerous risk. For a quick example, take being in space. It's about as hazardous as it comes, and yet somehow we have engineers doing just that on a regular basis; how? By wearing a space suit designed to keep the person safe and let's be honest, the thought of doing it without is nothing short of suicide! Here we understand the dangers, accept them, and factor it all into our planning as we venture further into the final frontier. So the same must go should we decide to instigate a conflict, even should that be as a result of us standing up for ourselves against those who would seek to harm us. For while it could be argued that our actions are technically just, they still carry consequences that may not be in our favour and so we have to accept that, as to do otherwise is to take a walk in space without a suit!

In my own opinion, conflict should always be the very last course of action; if nothing more than to pay homage to the fact that we are supposed to have evolved at least somewhat beyond the simple rutting deer and the feuding wolves.. I mean, we have people in space for heavens sake! As humans we always like to believe ourselves as the most intelligent species upon planet earth, and yet we abandon it all in a heartbeat, in favour of resorting back to the primal and animalistic urge to fight and to conquer! We have the ability to talk and to reason. We can negotiate and empathise even with our enemies. There are so many ways we can resolve issue beyond direct conflict so let's try to broker peace before we start drawing our swords.

But above all else I am a realist and so I know that there will be those who (no matter what) will always choose conflict and have no problem bringing that conflict straight to our doorstep, and so then we face a predicament. For in the story of Attack on Titan the soldiers did not desire conflict, it came when the largest giant ever witnessed kicked their door in (or their wall to be more precise) which allowed the smaller giants to flood into their lives with an unrelenting hunger to kill. In response to this invasion, the characters weighed the options, considered the consequences of failing to act and took the actions that they believed were beneficial to their ongoing survival. Admittedly this is a tale of fiction and so I use it more as a principle and I know not everyone will agree with that sentiment, I also accept that some see conflict as wrong regardless of the lasting consequences they themselves may suffer; that is your right. But in life, so too is it for each of us to decide on our way forward when it's our own dragon that we are facing, and when it's our own stick to use (or not, whatever the case may be.)
© Westley Nash (2018)
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and view my content, I am most honoured indeed and hope you have a really great day :)
Best wishes
Westley xx
Deep Underground Poetry
Agreed. We should never be afraid of conflict, especially when it's of a necessary sort, but we have to go into it with a plan. Otherwise it just degrades into a fight that leads nowhere but pain. As human animals it's much easier for us to resort to emotions vs logic, and in the heat of the moment that leads to some very, very bad choices. Confront from a place of power, of confidence, with a plan.
Well written!
Had a laugh at the AOT references. I think it's mostly just 1 guy who rushes in and everyone else comes up with an affective plan to deal with it. I think they should just assume he's always going to make an ass of himself when things get hot and plan accordingly. 'So...about this time when we're getting beat, he rages and comes over to help us out...' lol
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Thank you :) It's a real story that isn't it lol... I really liked the classic, over-energetic and pretentious character in that anime, like Scrappy Doo from Scooby Doo; wants to fight the world and it's entire entourage too lol :)
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Yeah, it's a super common theme in anime. Ever see Gurren Lagen? Another brash main character, but soooo awesome of a series :)
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I can't say I have seen that particular one. I know there are loads I have to get around to, a friend of mine is nuts on Anime and keeps suggesting all these different ones lol :)
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You should have many different friends who like different genres. I've noticed that when someone really likes anime, it's usually of one particular type, and rarely do they stray. Unless they're a curator looking to inform others...then it gets wild, lol. Just in my experience so far, hehe.
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Well I must confess, she is quite the mixer in many ways ;-) I can never keep up with what one she is getting into from one minute to the other. But to be honest they all sound really interesting. Hopefull (time permitting) I can start to watch a few of them :)
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Bit by bit. Still have a list from my friend that I need to watch. It's cool how it's getting easier to access through the different networks like Netflix and Amazon :)
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Nice comment. Upped both of them.
Just curious, why not upvote this post of Westley's??
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Might have been under 90% earlier. Sometimes I'm more focused on the conversation too. :)
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Fair enough. Westley is one of my Steem kids and I want to see him do well. Its sad to see a well written post with like 6 cents on it.
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Yeah, it most definitely is. I'm in the way shallow end myself living off of delegated SP. Having a Steem 'parent' is an amazing thing. I'm glad you found him :) And super glad he found me, hehe.
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Yeah Westley is a good guy. @prydefoltz (right under our comments) is another quality Steemer I brought over! She is in your genre as well so check her out! As you can see she does great comments as well. Its important to find like people to grow together with. Upped.
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I shall give her a gander :) Thanks for the recommendation :) Not sure if you know, but I'm running a small thing to give some SBD to other minnows and looking for nominations of those between 30-40 rep who you think might deserve it: https://steemit.com/contest/@mikesthoughts/giving-back-to-my-fellow-minnows Still got some openings :)
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I will certainly keep that in mind. Thank you.
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All I can say that if you are going to wake this dragon up, don't bring a stick. Bring Coffee. Seriously, I believe we create our own realities, but we are also obviously human and affecting each other. A clear mind is best, but not always possible in such situations. A clear mind generally sees a way around aggression and confrontation. But the ego's need to be right and to be seen by others as right, confuses the mind. I know at least it has with me. Where out and out violence is concerned, defend yourself when attacked, but let the law do the punishing. If that makes sense.
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Perfect sense :-) Otherwise we just have pure chaos and vengeance, nothing more. It's hard to stay emotionally detatched when we are deciding someones fate after they have hurts us, so we do make a rather biased jury in that regard ;-)
Oh yes, some seem to care more about who is right rather than what is best..
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So I've heard... It seems every social media platforms gets it's skirmishes.
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That is very true but I think that kind of drama rich behaviour would not be as well received here. I hope:)
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Well some folks when they get a little power, and they have never had power before, just dont know how to handle it. When humans are involves, no place can be perfect. But for all its warts, Steemit is pretty nifty!
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Some folks go out of their way to poke the dragon...in here the dragon can poke back and ruin your enjoyment :)
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Well said, and in here too. Avoiding the flag wars is always a good idea.
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I agree 100% with that statement. People treat us the way we allow them to.
That said, I also try to avoid conflict. I work with a girl who loves drama and I have learned how to take up for myself without conflict. As a result, she seeks out others to throw her drama on. It's more rewarding for me to take the fun out of for them. :D
Great writing @westley-nash I can see and feel what you put into it. Although, I have had the same experience with the other posts you have written as well.
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Thank you very much Debra :) Yes, drama is certainly something that likes to demand audience participation for sure lol Better to leave after the first act ;-)
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Yes I believe in avoiding the drama if at all possible.
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Best way forward sir :) We tend to avoid all of the pitfalls that way.
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