Scary Stories - 12 | I'll never forget the time me and my

in life •  7 years ago 

I'll never forget the time me and my
brother snuck out past our bedtime to
explore an allegedly haunted house down
the block yes I said bedtime as I was
only and my brother Luke was only
when her parents said good night to us I
went to Luke's room and we took a couple
handpowered flashlights with us and
hopped outside through the window
luckily his room was on the first floor
those hand powered flashlights worked by
constantly pushing in a little trigger
that would create light inside the lens
they were noisy as hell but they were
convenient once we were outside we just
walked down the block and in two minutes
we were there it was rumoured by all the
neighborhood kids and teens that the
place was haunted everything about it
was creepy the older more antique design
of the house the isolation from the rest
of the houses and the broken windows and
rotting wood it seemed perfect for a
horror movie we went around to the
backyard this was all my curious and
confident brothers idea I was scared
shitless the door was locked
as expected I felt a bit of relief
thinking we might just go home but my
brother made a shocking move next he
grabbed a plank of wood laying in the
grass and began smashing the already
chipped window eventually there was
enough of an opening to unlock it and
slide it up completely we hopped inside
and began cranking those noisiest
flashlights immediately after entering
the house we both picked up on the fact
that it was like degrees in there
which was odd as it was a September
night in the mid s there was no
graffiti or anything anywhere in fact it
was relatively empty besides a few
pieces of furniture that were clearly

not worth taking along it seemed we were
the first to enter the house shockingly
or at least from the back we went
upstairs to the main floor from the
little den area and continued cranking
the flashlights that's when we heard the
slightest crack in the floorboards from
right above us
we both jumped I tugged for Luke to
leave but he told me the place is old as
hell it's just house noises I stopped
cranking the flashlight at this point
and I urged the Luke to do the same but
he only called me stupid for suggesting
something so ridiculous then there was
another crack in the floorboards from
above us he began walking upstairs I
didn't want to go up there but I was not
about to stay down there alone I
followed behind him to the upstairs
there was a door that led to a room
right above where we were standing I
begged him not to open it but he must
have just wanted to be the big tough
older brother he began to reach for the
doorknob while still cranking the noisy
flashlight but then he stopped I was
confused I could see in the dark he was
moving his ear up against the door
listening for something silence then the
most deafening nightmareinducing moment
of my life a single bang on the door
from the other side send my brother
staggering into the wall in pain
covering his ear we dropped the
flashlights and wrenched straight out
the back door and back home we were so
loud when we got back that our parents
found us out we told them what happens
but they naturally didn't care and
grounded us both for a week two nights
later I woke to the sound of something
from outside my window and a glare of
brightness sneaking in through my
slightly opened blind I sat up and my
heart sank when I realized it was the
sound of the crank to my flashlight I
stood up and looked out the window and
that's when it stopped there was nothing
but complete blackness out there after
I woke the next day barely remembering
what happened and I still hope today
that that part was just a dream
this is a story that happened to me
recently I was still my first year of
university and I've only just made
friends with a few other students I'll
be at an old and notorious University
for its ghostly figures and paranormal
activity the campus janitors and
security were all too familiar with
unusual reports the art and design
faculty was subjected to the oldest
campus of the four separate buildings

and the block my class happened to
progress in was the allegedly haunted
section as well it was late in the
afternoon just before and my friend
needed to use the restroom she asked me
to accompany her and I obliged seeing it
as an opportunity to rest my eyes from
the strains of the projector she rushed
into one of the stalls and then waited
outside the bathroom feeling that she
would take longer than I initially
anticipated I decided to walk back to
class without telling her as soon as I
sat down she barged into the class
calling out for me
according to her claim she heard the
sinks tap turn on and thought it was me
playing a prank as she opened the door
she saw no one else in the rest room
besides herself yet the other stall next
to her was locked from the inside
thinking it was someone else on the
toilet she asked if it was me no answer
curious she looked down the gap but saw
no shoes or legs yet heard feminine
whispers and humming from that
particular stall frightened she left
without seeing another word class ended
and we went home but the thought of the
occurrence remained we later learned
from one of the janitors that no one
should ever be in the restroom after
in the evening as there is a known
ghost of a woman who resides in the
stalls needless to say as juniors in the
university my friends and I decided to
never use the bathrooms after the
designated time
I'm not in any way saying these claims
are true but everything I told you was
true in regards to what I was told
whether these things I was told by my
friend and the janitor are true or not
remains a mystery to me this happened

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