So over the past two to three years i have been a note taker. I take notes with most moves i take in my job, i take notes when i watch, read or listen to something informative, i take notes on how i feel, i take notes on finances… i take notes on a lot of things i do. For me it’s organisation and a release of emotion. My problem for so long was having these notes scattered everywhere… i would have 2 different note pads at work, 2 different note pads at home, one journal, a diary and notes on my phone and nothing was ever in one place. It was time for me to organise these actions and thoughts that i document to allow me to look back and evaluate things and even look back on information i learnt. So in 2018 i have done just that. Below i will break down my current set up...
My journal is for me to write my daily thoughts in, this is something i find very important. It could be that i have had a bad day at work or with my investments etc. Writing things down helps to clear my mind and allow me not to carry too much stress forward. I have spotted weakness’ in my personal traits which this kind of journalling has helped with.
I do love my leather journal so i have linked the one i purchased here:
Evernote/ iPhone notes
This has made the biggest impact for me this year. I have created a Evernote account and organised most of my note taking in here. I have folders for my day job, investing, Cryptocurrency, Finances, To-do-list’s, learning. I find this to be great as when i consume content i am in multiple different places and don’t always have the same pad to take notes on and therefore i find Evernote great. Like many of you I'm never to far from my phone.
I have purchased the exact journal as above to act as a paper store for all my cryptocurrency exchange passwords and wallet passwords. I think this is a good way of keeping all passwords safe. This can then be left safe in a place of your choice, obviously it is harder to trade in and out of positions this way but i am a long term holder of these and don’t trade them actively.
My diary is used to show Birthdays, family events and holidays. Probably the exact same way everyone else uses a diary.
This has cut the mess of note pads everywhere down to being just my diary and journal being in my briefcase and my ledger being stored at home. The Evernote’s are on my phone and laptop which i already carry almost everywhere with me. I could have everything on a piece of technology but i am still a little old fashioned and like to use a pen and paper for my thoughts. I hope this can help you organise your note taking, if you have and tips and tricks please share them below!