The Purpose Of Life May Be Contained In This Post

in life •  8 years ago 

While listening to a conversation the other day, someone said the purpose of life is to be happy, I thought about how humans have struggled with the question and how many disagree on the answer.  It also occurred to me that many will say one thing, but their life does not seem to align with the answer they give.

Whatever life's questions are Google will answer ?  So, I "Googled" the meaning of life.

It seems not everyone agrees on the purpose of life.  Here are some potential answers:

However, it seems not everyone agrees:

Above is Wayne Dyer's View



Still more ideas:

There are still more...

The meaning or purpose in life seems to be quite personal and different from person to person.

Did any of the above quotes ring true for you?  Do you have different ideas on what the purpose of life is?

Let's Talk About It!

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We all know the answer to the meaning of life is 42.

But what's the question?

lol, :)

May be to find the correct question is the purpose of life. LOL.

Whew, I am glad you cleared that up.

Thanks for the post, very nice topic. I don´t think that there is any higher purpose. But since humans always need a 'meaning', I guess it´s: make the best out of it. Live, love and learn as much as you can! Amen :)

Depends on how people are and what they do when achieving the state of happiness. Some regardless of finding a purpose will want somehing else later.

I also think it is personal, and depends on personal and spiritual beliefs as well.

For the purpose to life is exactly whatever you think it is. For is different for many. It is a journey and a question that all of us must ask and answer. This is what I believe.

I like how you worded this.

:) Thanks Whatsup

The action axiom. Use your brain to make things how you like them. And to find out what that is.

Good Take.

Quotes don't cover enough angles most of the time, and personally I'll say there's no purpose. It's not that bad since anyone can decide for themselves their own purpose :)

Agreed, obviously this wasn't a deep investigation, but rather just a quick post to get people to ask themselves if they hold a position on the topic. :)