When You Don't Want to Show Up, Do It Anyway - Following My Own Advice

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

I have posted about this philosophy before.  With this post I am living it.  With lower the payouts, and me running out of my easiest stories, I haven't felt like writing much.    So, I had a talk with myself, and I told myself to just write something.  It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, maybe I will write that one tomorrow.  It is about discipline and showing up when you are feeling discouraged. If you keep doing something you tend to get better at it.  


So, this post is about showing up, even when one doesn't feel confident, when a person doesn't feel motivated.  Be willing to put yourself out there at whatever level you are at until things start to click again.  

Back to my conversation with myself, I said, "Just write something."

"But, I don't have anything I want to write," I whined back.  

"Come on just open the browser and type" I said


"You said yourself you never wanted to be an Author, and I don't even know if this platform will be successful,  I don't want to write right now."

"Do it anyway, just show up, sometimes the difference between success and failure is to just show up. One way to be sure you won't be successful is to quit"

"Sigh, okay, but are you seeing how dumb this is?"

"Do it, stay in practice, show some discipline, if it pays .50 Steem that is another little drop in the bucket and those pay off over time".

Me, "Fine, okay, grrr".

So, I opened the browser and I began to type.

Maybe tomorrow's post will be a masterpiece, but for today, I showed up.  If I keep doing that long enough, I will get better at what I do.  If I keep doing it long enough those Steem pennies will grow.  Life always seem to pay for effort, if the effort comes with good motives.

Maybe someone will relate with the stuggle of figuring out how to stay engaged.  Maybe nobody will read it at all.  Maybe...  Well, I know it will do better than nothing at all.

Am I the only one who talks with myself in my head?


Cheers Everyone!  @whatsup

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@whatsup, you did it and it's a masterpiece. You're a leader of many and I appreciate you daily.

I didn't think to post today, but I drew adult stick figures and I wrote another steemit user name story. It's fun for me to create and I'm so thankful that steemit is here for me to create and share my minds thoughts.

None of this is an accident and our lives cross paths purposely and it wasn't an accident that I just read this post of yours.

Thank you for sharing your frustration and your desire to keep climbing. I needed this post. Steem On Dude!

Aww, that made the piece worth writing - even if it didn't make a dime. You are always here, with your good words. :) I am thankful to SteemIt, just for meeting you. :)

@whatsup, this post inspired me. I don't have the skill to write, but I do what I can to contribute. I'm sure something will pop into this crazy mind of mine. Love you as much as a fellow steemit user can. We Steem On!

You did it, you showed up - good for you! Hopefully that will inspire somebody else. Not me, though, its 9.30pm and I haven't had dinner yet. I need inspiration to sign off, lol.

lol, have a great night!

Would a comment count as show up ? )

lol, yes it does. I appreciate the comment, and it keeps you engaged.

By not showing up.., you just guarantee things will remain the same. But, by putting in the effort, taking a chance on something with an unknown outcome -- just showing up.., you open yourself up to new possibilities. Cheers, to you to @whatsup :))

It is all a matter of practice.

I remind myself to keep swinging at the the ball, home runs don't happen every time, but they never happen if you don't try and hit that ball! The Cubs are a good example, the won the World Series after years and years of swinging at the ball.

Same type of concept, I really like it. Just keep swinging.

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