On money, abundance and freedom

in life •  7 years ago 

"what is money?" What is the attachment to money? Why is it we all want money so much? Some think: with money, i am safe. Some think with money, i am secure. Some think: if i had money, i am free. ( believing i can do anything, go anywhere, buy anything.). Some think if i had money, i'd be happy.

It raises the question what is freedom? What is security? What is safety? What is happiness?...Is it really something i can buy????

Just coming up with the question: 'is security, happiness, freedom; something i can buy?'; we have to admitt: 'no, i can't buy that sense of security, i can't buy that sense of happiness; no, i can't buy, that sense of freedom.' Security, hapiness and freedom is something that comes from within us; otherwise someone would have long bottled it up and and put it on a shelf for sale. And althought happiness, security, and freedom, has been advertised to the world as the possession of some 'thing', the possession of things has yet to create True Happiness. And it never will, that is because happiness comes from your innate make-up, your beingness .

What we do, is conceptualize, what will make me feel happy? For example, if I had a big house at the beach I would be happy. If I had a husband, I would be happy, if everyone only did things my way, I'd be happy.

If you are buying into any of these concepts, thoughts, beliefs or ideas, you have just created a religion and you are worshiping a God of your own making. This in contrast to recognizing that God is already before you; just as surely as everything already is; God, synonimus with life, accepts you and circumstance, just as it is. It is life in it purest form, before mind puts a thought to it; no religion, no beliefs, no ideas, just purity of life, happening before thought. It is life in its purest form, bowing before you, it is already a given, and we just don't notice. What an amazment life is, what an amazment existence is, just being here on the planet is enough of an excuse to fall on our faces and exult in the creation that is creating itself moment to moment.

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