The Self-Help Secret To Wake Up And Create A Life Of Inspiration And Passion

in life •  7 years ago 

The Self-Help Secret To Wake Up And Create A Life Of Inspiration And Passion
Do you ever feel sort of. emotionally dead? As if your life was an endless round of meaningless chores, followed by an ever increasing amount of entertainment demanding to fill your time, mostly by watching the big box? I know that I had felt this dead meaninglessness most of my life. What is the self help secret that can help us wake up from this bad dream?

I recently read an article on the internet where the author would walk along in the evening, in some formerly bustling part of Europe, and the streets were almost deserted. Where were all the young people, who should be out frolicking around, the author thought? And it turned out that they were all inside, trapped in a virtual world.

Does this new kind of lifestyle, that we all seem to have found ourselves living, really fulfill us? Are we really fulfilling our emotional and spiritual needs through it? Are we getting enough interaction with other live human beings? And since it is virtually consuming our lives, what is the real point to life? And the last question is, how can we escape? What is the self help secret to help us click over to a different track, to find true motivation and passion for life that is not spoon-fed to us in a vicarious fashion?

Is it simply a case of, as Troy says to Neo in the Matrix, I think youve got to UNPLUG man. Is that what will do it? But how? These lifestyle habits actually become quite addictive, after all.

Through many years of deep study, I have realized that the answer might be simple. What we may be lacking is an inspiration that can lead us forward, and that is stronger than those other habits, so that we have less and less trouble in dropping them. As I told a friend recently, who has a seemingly unstoppable habit of dipping into the M&Ms on a more or less continual basis, our lives must support our eating habits.

In other words, if you are trying to get on a diet, you must first realize that bad eating habits are most likely there to compensate for something missing in your life. Start creating that life, and there will be less of an urge to dip into the compensation.

But isnt becoming inspired rather far out? Something for poets and hippies maybe to enjoy? And there arent any more hippies anyway? Well, inspiration is simply a synonym for finding a purpose that drives your life. But who really has that these days? Exactly, but could you imagine the way it must feel if you did have it? Could you just sit back, close your eyes, and maybe go back to a time in your childhood when life still had a sense of magic, and imagine being inspired by something that you uniquely can fulfill?

For the inspiration that I am talking about will come from within you. You may have already have been dreaming about it, as I had, all your life, but maybe it faded, and had gradually been relegated to a deep corner of your unconscious, there to lie like a seed in wait. All it may need is a little water and some warmth from the sun, for it to sprout again, even in our seemingly impossible world.

How could you find it, how could this self help secret become real in your life? Well we simply have to rummage around in your unconscious treasure trove a bit, and we have to realize that any endeavor may require some shifts, but that as it STARTS to become real, even in a small way, we will start to smell it, we will get the taste of it in our mouth, and after awhile we could even become unstoppable in its pursuit. And then perhaps, everything might be different.

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