Ugh...I'm sick.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Started feeling it yesterday, and I tried to convince myself it was just mental.
You know that thing you say to yourself,
"WTF? I'm not getting sick. This is just a matter of will power."

No, no it wasn't.

I woke up this morning and thought someone cleverly and stealthily slipped a fully-loaded waterballoon over my head and face, because I woke up unable to breathe. Upon slowly and achingly lowering my feet to the floor, a subtle memory of my son coming home from school just before the weekend with a snot-covered face flashed through my already-fatigued mind. I'm pretty sure he did this to me.

So here I am, groaning at the bending of every joint in my body, sinuses inflated like a Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade float, and my eyes feeling like peeled grapes left out and blasted by a boiler room heating vent.

Why does this crap happen in the summer? I see no need for it aside from the fact that we blast ourselves with artificial cold air that chills this house like an ice lab in Antarctica.

And I have a mustache, too. Do you know how much that sucks?
Runny nose + mustache = seriously, just kill me.

So, needless to say, I'm posting a bit slower than usual today, but I'm still here - even if lethargically!

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Switch from Beer to Whiskey.


lol Thats a good one, yeah whiskey kills a lot of bacteria
kill them all !

Steem On

Drunk + pressurized = no thank you

I read somewhere that if you put cut onion slices in your socks and go to sleep it will be gone by morning. Then I snoped that shiz and was like "nope!". So yeah, don't do that, but do get to feeling better!


Your not the only one suffering. I went to the doctors today and apparently hay fever has risen quite substantially in my local area.

She said it's due to a mass quantity of pollen in the air, but I've never had a sore throat so bad in my life! And the amount of stuff I've coughed up is enough to fill a small bottle!! I know it sounds grim, but it's the truth!!

Hope you feel better soon though!

warm drinks, lemons, honey, vitamin C and you would be better soon.

Take care

Any post quoting Louis CK deserves an upvote!

Dude is my hero, right behind George Carlin and Ron Swanson.

Ron Swanson is a national treasure!

Sick, and funny at the same time. Great post. And get well soon.

Have 4 kids ..... I get it ;)

Oh I have two myself, sorry to hear you got double the chances of getting sprayed with viruses in your face lol -cheers

Get well soon! It always is annoying when you get sick but in Summer it is even worse.
I do hope you and your mustache will get through this in a good and friendly way!

Hope you get well soon my man!

Get a lot of rest. The body heals itself from a cold / flu when you sleep.

I would definitely recommend fasting until your body's immune system fights off the bug. An intermittent fasting focused lifestyle like my Steemit Diet will boost your immune system and keep it there along with a host of other health benefits like visceral fat loss, reverse type II diabetes, cure eczema etc. Follow me on my weight loss experiment of 72 lbs in 72 days to see the results I'm getting myself.

Get well soon

Hope you get well soon !

my mom used to give me "dr brandy" whenever i had runny nose :)

awww ;(

eat raw garlic! it's disgusting... but it works...

You have made a creative and funny post from feeling sick. You win!

Get well soon!! At least you have a sense of humor when you get sick!! I've become an impatient witch since I've been under the weather for 2 weeks now. My spidey sense knows it's from pesticides and an airborne irritant rather than mental. Anyway, laughter truly is one of the best medicines. Thanks for sharing.

One cup of Red wine, any kind. Bring it to a boil and add a cinnamon stick to swirl it around. Drink it like a hot Tea before you go to be. Get under Double covers and you will sweat it out by morning. My German Grandmas Cure all.

I feel ya homie. I have been coughing stuff up for the past three days. Sucks being sick in the summertime, almost like a cruel joke. Thanks for preaching about this site I am liking it so far, glad to see so many old friends doing well!

It reminds me when I was making fun of a friend of mine because he was ill..I was bragging that I never get sick..Two days after I woke up trembling and just like you I was like "it is a matter of will power" It took me 6 days to recover :P

My brother-in-law never had pink eye in his life, then my nephew started school and he got pink eye twice in a month. Kids, man, little bundles of joy and germs. Hope you feel better soon!

Shave your moustaches, get your hair shorten , get a pierce in your eye brows .This change may work removing your lathargic encrypted body and your badly wrapped soul may get some enthusiasm in your life .!!' Some change in yourself rejuvenates the person for sure ..!!!'

I already shave my head, I won't be piercing anything, and I'll be damned if this mustache is going anywhere because I look 12 when I shave it. LOL
Also, badly wrapped soul? Lethargic encrypted body? I'm confused.
And I'm curious why you assume I have no enthusiasm in my life because I have a head cold?

You shaved your head ..!! That's cool ..!!! Badly wrapped soul means your soul surrounded by laziness around you. I have not assumed dear... your blog gives vibes like that ..!! Anyways ..!! Oll the best for your future ..!! Kindly follow me also ..! I am new steemian☺️