Face our challenges

in life •  7 years ago 

In our lives, we face problems, and we have different problems some of the people doesn't know how to face their problems. They don't know how to face it, it's like they don't have any solutions to solve their problems, and lead to run away in their problems. But, we don't have to run, just because of our problems. It's a challenge, challenge in our lives how to face different problems. And when we face our problems, we will improve, ourselves will improve, and use it in the future. Just like, financial problems, if you face that kind of problem, there is a possibility that in the future, you know how to manage money.

So that's why, we don't have to run our problems, because it might be a challenge for you, and prove to yourself that you can do things that you don't expected.

God gave us challenges, and that challenges we will be able to pass it. God don't give us challenges that we don't know how to face it, how to pass it. He gave that challenge to us, because He know that we can do it, that others can't do. He knows what is your ability, so don't worry about what challenge you are facing right now, because I believe that you can do it.
Just like me😊.

I hope this will help you, of what you are facing right now,😊

The biggest challenge we all face is to learn about ourselves and to understand our strengths and weaknesses. We need to utilize our strengths, but not so much that we don't work on our weaknesses

-Mae Jemison

When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.


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This is a very nice post @winxie. Sometimes challenges makes us better and stronger and just like you said,God never gives us more than we can bear.nice seeing you around @winxie.